Hi from South Central Wisconsin zone 4

Well, now that I have been admitted as a member of the forum, I will just give you a quick narrative on why I joined and what I am up to.

This is my first year for growing Hot Peppers from seed. I started a couple test Bhut Jolokias on January 11th and the rest of the Bhuts and other varieties a couple weeks later. They original test Bhuts are my babies. They are doing great. Better than the mass planted ones and better than the other varieties too. I just moved them into their second temporary pots. I put them in their original pots about a week or two after they sprouted and found they have already outgrown them so today I just moved them into a bigger 6" pot. My intention is that they will be fine until it is time to go outdoors for good in 7 or 8 weeks. I have recorded my efforts this year of growing my hot peppers through a blog. I am thinking about transferring that blog over to the blog section of the forum. I just don't know how difficult that will be. I see several blogs over there but none seem to be very well maintained. I think it would be great to see other members chronicle their efforts there as well. Hopefully, I can get things started. Here is the link to my current blog until or in case I cannot get it transferred over: http://pepperpikker.tumblr.com/
Take care and happy growing,

Here is my prize Bhut after being transplanted into a 6" pot.

Well, now that I have been admitted as a member of the forum, I will just give you a quick narrative on why I joined and what I am up to.

This is my first year for growing Hot Peppers from seed. I started a couple test Bhut Jolokias on January 11th and the rest of the Bhuts and other varieties a couple weeks later. They original test Bhuts are my babies. They are doing great. Better than the mass planted ones and better than the other varieties too. I just moved them into their second temporary pots. I put them in their original pots about a week or two after they sprouted and found they have already outgrown them so today I just moved them into a bigger 6" pot. My intention is that they will be fine until it is time to go outdoors for good in 7 or 8 weeks. I have recorded my efforts this year of growing my hot peppers through a blog. I am thinking about transferring that blog over to the blog section of the forum. I just don't know how difficult that will be. I see several blogs over there but none seem to be very well maintained. I think it would be great to see other members chronicle their efforts there as well. Hopefully, I can get things started. Here is the link to my current blog until or in case I cannot get it transferred over: http://pepperpikker.tumblr.com/
Take care and happy growing,

Here is my prize Bhut after being transplanted into a 6" pot.


The Bhut look amazing!!