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seeds Help with finding seeds

Last year I went to the local farmers market to look for habaneros and found these other peppers instead. I asked the guy what they were but I couldn't for the life of me remember. They made the best hot sauce I have ever had :!: And I've searched and searched but gave up after a while. Then just the other day my Wife and I are watching Rick Bayless on PBS and he showed the very peppers I have been looking for. :D So now I have another delima... finding the seeds for it. Sorry for the long story.
The type is Manzano, AKA: Manzana, Rocoto, Peron and Caballo. I got all of those while searching for the seeds.

It's a thick fleshed chile almost apricot like in texture. Very fruity flavor with almost as much heat as a milder variety Habanero. They have black seeds. Can anyone help in finding seeds for them?

Thanks, Kyle
Are these It?

C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsMy Picturesmanzano%20mountains0003.JPG

I don't know if the pic will work, might have to copy and paste.
Kato's has seeds for the Manzano and are indeed black send along your mailing address and we can send you some.

I have seeds from the manzanos of the pic I posted if you want some. they were sent to me from a friend in Texas that came from a market.

AKA: Manzana, Rocoto, Peron and Caballo
I know many people that get frustrated with the blatant labeling of chiles. I have eaten rocotos that have way more heat than the manzanos and yet some like to label and call them the same. It's like calling a jalapeno and serrano the same because ther're both annums.
The good the thing about the C. pubescence is they don't cross with other species. I also hear from the C. pub. growers I know that they are a much better producer with a second year plant.
my 2 cent opinion,
I saw some of these when I was down in Mexico once.


I wish I had had a chance to eat some of them. I wonder if I could find these at the farmer's market?
I've never actually gone looking because, so far, all of the seeds I've needed, I've gotten at Reimer's, but I've been told that there is a seed depository through the US federal Government Department of Agriculture and if you're going to grow the peppers, you can get the seeds for free as long as you keep the plant clean (free of cross-pollination) and help replenish their seed supply at harvest... I don't know if it's true, but I'd think it worth looking into, if I were looking for seeds.

Personally, I just want a steady supply of certified Red Savina Habaneros and they won't license us to grow them in Canada. :beer:

Actually, I'm not taking that personally, they won't license ANYONE to grow them in Canada.

Tina Brooks said:
Personally, I just want a steady supply of certified Red Savina Habaneros and they won't license us to grow them in Canada. :D

I grew some two summers ago. Oh man were they hot!!! :P I think I'll try my luck again next summer. That sucks they won't license you to grow them up there. How do they do in that climate though?
Discman said:
Tina Brooks said:
Personally, I just want a steady supply of certified Red Savina Habaneros and they won't license us to grow them in Canada. :(

I grew some two summers ago. Oh man were they hot!!! :P I think I'll try my luck again next summer. That sucks they won't license you to grow them up there. How do they do in that climate though?

Well, they do really well actually. I have to start them inside and they're in a hot house by the end of the fall, but they are all getting picked this Saturday. I don't know if the spring and fall stresses add to the peppers, but I'm hoping. :D

Ahh Tina
Another usda seed virgin. over rated and even thus sly seed seekers are thrushed into stealth mode to obtain, or have connections that prevail. See Kato's prison pepper post, the chancellor of chinense has more usda seeds from growouts that the peasant gov't them selfs.
As far as the savina, try Jim Cambell at wild to mild pepper and herb co. he has mash and all sorts of wholesale products.
fatalliman said:
Ahh Tina
Another usda seed virgin. over rated and even thus sly seed seekers are thrushed into stealth mode to obtain, or have connections that prevail. See Kato's prison pepper post, the chancellor of chinense has more usda seeds from growouts that the peasant gov't them selfs.
As far as the savina, try Jim Cambell at wild to mild pepper and herb co. he has mash and all sorts of wholesale products.

Thanks Marv, I spoke to someone at mild to wild... Jim(?) They only sell the mash. I don't want the mash, I want the fresh peppers. Mild to Wild put me directly in touch with GMS(?) Spices, the creators of the cultivar... they won't have any until next year and I have a date to order them in February. :P

P_Schneider]Another place to check for peppers is the [url=http://www.chileplants.com/]Chile Plants website.[/url said:
You can't get seeds but you can get live plants in the spring and they usually sell fresh peppers in the fall.

Been there, done that. :P

You guys are a wealth of information for anyone else following this list, but ChilePlants is also on my callback list for February. :D

I'm not getting certified red savinas this year, I don't think.

Hey Tina,
Jim Cambell is the man, He's the one that hosts open fields in a secret location that plants an acre of chiles just for a weekend event to go and pick chiles and if you try to pay him he get's insulted.

Have another friend in Texas that grows thirty acres of peppers, he does his own retail stuff, but also sells chiles wholesale. http://www.gourmet-gardens.com/cart/contact.php
don't think he grows savinas though, but has some kick butt habs. His name is Bill B. just tell him fataliiman sent you :