health Help! What's wrong with my peppers

Hi everyone
This is the first time i am trying my luck growing various types of chills and after some long wait they finally germinated and started growing.
Now I am seeing spots on the leaves and growth seems slow. Please see some pictures below. Do you know what might be wrong and how I can fix it?
The plants are about 4 months old (since seed being planted), planted in compost, and are in hot and humid climate receiving about 10h of sun/day
THANK YOU for your help!



Thank you guys! What can I do about this? Anything I can add to the soil to make it more "balanced"? Will the peppers still grow and produce?
You can try digging them up and mixing in some top soil. They should get through this and recover fine
I am not sure what perlite is but those are just white decorative stones I put around them. Mainly thinking it will keep the roots cooler than the black compost in full sun light
I started them from seeds outside and they only get early sun from about 6am till around noon. I will try giving them some more shade tho