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HELP! Very Curled Leaves on Aji Dulce/Trinidad Perfume

I have very curled leaves on my peppers that I potted up about 2 weeks ago. They are Aji Dulce, Trinidad Perfume, and some saved seeds from something I think was called Super Chili (I have grown them for a couple of years). They were all started from seed, grew in 3 inch pots until they were transplanted into these larger ones. When I transplanted them, I put them in a sphagnum based potting mix with perlite. I did not add dolomitic lime or anything else. I fertilized with some 2-4-4 liquid seaweed based organic fertilizer. I also added a tablespoon or so of fish bone meal onto the top of the soil. I haven't watered since that repotting as we have had a bit of rain recently.

I am wondering if anyone could help me out with what is happening here to these peppers. I usually grow things in the ground and am quite new to growing in pots and they issues that may arise.

I have tried to read a number of posts on this topic, but I think simply asking for some help might get me a more straightforward answer from a professional that knows this issue.

Here is a link to some pictures, as I can't figure out how to attach photos here.

you got a bug problem plus it looks like slug damage in the first photo...

think of pesticides (organic or not) as if they are antiobiotics...there are broad spectrum antiobiotics that kill most bacteria just like there are broad spectrum pesticides that kill most of the nasties...

see if you can identify any pests on your plants...flea beetles will also do this damage to your plants..
you got a bug problem plus it looks like slug damage in the first photo...

think of pesticides (organic or not) as if they are antiobiotics...there are broad spectrum antiobiotics that kill most bacteria just like there are broad spectrum pesticides that kill most of the nasties...

see if you can identify any pests on your plants...flea beetles will also do this damage to your plants..

I think there are flea beetles in this area pretty bad this year, but I thought they damaged leaves by eating them, not puckering them up... I will have a look at a few times.

Could any of this activity on the leaves be due to nutrients? Too much, too little of something causing the curl?
Looks like some type of mite. I've gone through this exact same thing year after year. Please believe me when I say it's mites. In fact I'm dealing with it right now. Check out the last page of my glog.
I have looked at a couple of leaves under a microscope and can't see any mites at all. Is there a different possibility for this leaf curl? You would think if there are mites, that you would be able to see them on the leaves that are damaged wouldn't you?

Additional info, the leaves are even more curled now it seems. Growth seems to be stagnant. The soul is moist below the surface, but the leaves feel a little limp. Mind you, it is around 30 Celcius today...

Any help would be appreciated.
I had to look through a microscope that had 60X-100X magnification before I was able to see the mites. Mostly what I saw were the eggs and you will find them on the bottom side of the leaves. The plants that I have that are affected look and are behaving the exact same way yours look and describe. I have tried triple action neem oil, insecticidal soap, and trimming the damaged and infested portions of the plants off.

If you research broad mites they are tough to get rid of and I have not used one of the several strong insecticides that are recommended. Avid is the insecticide that I have read has the best results but I haven't tried it because it is a chemical and it is also expensive.

What I have done has had some positive results but not completely eradicated them.
I will check the magnification of the scope tomorrow... I didn't think about it...

I hear you on the chemical avenue. I don't really want to go that route.

I was told that overwatering could cause leaf curl. I dug a plant up out of its pot and the roots were not looking healthy. There was minimal new grown and the original white roots from the starter pots were looking a bit brown/dead. Does this kind of thing happen to roots with a mite infection on the leaves? I am starting to wonder if this issue is one of a simple soil moisture issue. The potting soil I used was not very free draining and we have had a great deal fo rain lately. I repotted these plants in new soil that is more free draining, but I will check the leaves under a high magnification scope.