health Help needed in identification of a disease! Black spots

As I can't find any specific solution on a polish forum, I'm asking for help here to much bigger community  ;)
I'm growing chiles for 3 years now in pretty much the same conditions and this year some disease is bothering my guys.
- the plants are nearly 2 months old
- started using bio fertilizer like 2 weeks ago in normal dose (this could be a clue, even so this is no different from the past two seasons)
- soil is a weak point here as it is just a simple starter peat mix (for seedlings)
- I always water when I feel the turgor in leaves going down, so risk of overwatering is low
- I didn't see any insects
- it's been like this for 2 weeks now and looks worse and worse everyday, before only the oldest leaves were damaged, now even the fresh ones suffer
- what's curious is that Ancho plants do not have a single black spot and everything is growing in one box (the others are: trinidad scorpion red, bhut jolokia red, devil's tounge red, habanero white)



Thank you in advance and kind regards from Poland ;)
Nope, it's more like from the inside of the leaf, not surface. Later today I'll check the roots for some worrying changes or bad smells, maybe it's some fungus.
my guess would be bacterial spot and it is treated with copper but i could be wrong. you can do a google image search and get a thousand different pictures of what bacterial spot looks like, that is what makes it so difficult to identify. but with bacterial spot being a bacteria i would guess there can be many strains.
last year i had similar blackage on some of my plants but with a peroxide moistened cloth, i just wiped the stuff off. it appeared after the plants were misted and stored in a small greenhouse that greatly increased humidity levels.
good luck with this.