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scovilles Has the 7 Pot Ever Been Put on The Scoville Scale...

You know, scientifically, to test if it is in fact THE HOTTEST PEPPER IN THE WORLD!

Many claim that it blows away the Bhuts and Nagas, so why not put it to the test?
I hear on average from many users that it falls in this order (again depends on the batch but seems to follow this trend)

Trinidad Scorpion > 7 pod > Bhut

...or maybe they just burn a little different. I know some peppers hurt me more than others even though they SHOULD be considerably less potent. I know some peppers burn the tongue more and some go for the throat so maybe thats why some feel one kind is hotter than another, just hurts the user more but might not actually be hotter on a scoville scale. Who knows.

PeteyPepper said:
You know, scientifically, to test if it is in fact THE HOTTEST PEPPER IN THE WORLD!

Many claim that it blows away the Bhuts and Nagas, so why not put it to the test?
svtcontour said:
I hear on average from many users that it falls in this order (again depends on the batch but seems to follow this trend)

Trinidad Scorpion > 7 pod > Bhut

that's what I've been hearing as well. The Butch T scorpion in particular I hear is topping the list.
Eveybody wants to put a number beside each pepper but its not that easy. Scoville testing will only give SHU of the tested piece of pepper, while others on the same plant(or even other parts of the same pepper) can be hotter or milder, and peppers grown in different regions and/or environments will also have different results. Another thing is that Scoville testing appears to be quite difficult to do properly. Many tests in the past have been flawed for a variety of reasons so for a true test you probably need to use several samples and several different approved labs. Some labs use 15Million SHU, and some use 16million SHU for the the calibration for pure cap which is another problem.
I still don't know why Dr. Bosland at the chile pepper institute didn't test all the super-hotties he had growing when he had the bhut tested. Personally I don't think Guiness wants to deal with tonnes of people who all now think they have the hottest thing in the world, especially after all Guiness' inaccuracies/mistakes in the past with hottest pepper
For me, the hottest I've ever eaten was the ButchT scorpion
Grow all the super hot out yourself and decide for yourself, but in my opinion there is no comparision between a true 7 Pod and any other pepper, it just blows all others away. The Bhut and scorpion are edible if you eat them in very small pieces with a meal but I have never been able to eat more than a very small sliver of 7 Pod Brain Strain. I say let's get a hottest pepper smackdown and have three THP judges who we send our peppers to and judge the heat subjectively later this year. We can have our own THP hottest pepper scale, I already know the winner.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
All I have are frozen pods at this time NJA but can send you a pod to sample this summer. I think you would make a pretty decent judge.

I will be back to US on 22nd April.
Thanks for the kindness.
I will PM you when I am back .

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Grow all the super hot out yourself and decide for yourself, but in my opinion there is no comparision between a true 7 Pod and any other pepper, it just blows all others away. The Bhut and scorpion are edible if you eat them in very small pieces with a meal but I have never been able to eat more than a very small sliver of 7 Pod Brain Strain. I say let's get a hottest pepper smackdown and have three THP judges who we send our peppers to and judge the heat subjectively later this year. We can have our own THP hottest pepper scale, I already know the winner.

I've already grown the Naga Morich and find it hard to believe that there could be anything hotter. Growing 7Pot and Scorps this year, so will see.

Here is the deal though. NMSU Scoville tested the Bhut Jolokia and the pepper jackpotted as the hottest pepper in the world. That claim in pretty much universally accepted (except maybe on this forum). I don't know for sure, but it may be in the Guiness Book of World Records as well.

All I'm sayin' is that the Scoville test is a scientific test (supposedly) where individual subjectivity is not a component. Although, the subjectivity of the pepper may be an issue,as Potawie pointed out, why not test it to see if it beats the numbers put up by the Bhut.
I tried them all and I personally thought the 7-pot/pod was the hottest followed by the Scorpion, then the Bhut. The Scorpion was very close to the hottest, but it's heat was different. Though the after effects of the Scorpion were MUCH worse than the other two.
I remember that JayT....you are a real trooper...
Ok, Now I know what I might be getting into.
My be I would be priming and conditioning myself for the encounter in Summer.
I am super excited.
Just make sure you do it on a full stomach. No matter your tolerance, too many and they will wreak havoc on your insides.
shoot i would judge heat scales if i was allowed to, i know my style is pretty eclectic

I will be hopefully judgeing my own too soon!
I am so looking forward this year to be growing all the super hots everyone has so graciously traded me!! I loved the review JAYT gave!!