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Had my own "&*#%$ that burns!" moment this wee

I haven't posted here in awhile. Job takes up a lot of time. But hubby and I went to our monthly Chileheads gathering this past weekend, and I had one of those "&*#$@ this burns!" moments.

We had it at a restaurant this month, so when the appetizers arrived our group leader suggested I try the Martha's Private Stock sauce. So I did -- not much of a burn at all. Hubby says to me, "You should try the Spontaneous Combustion." I wasn't thinking -- for some reason in my head I thought it was going to be the same as the other sauce.

I put it on a chip, put it in my mouth, and as soon as I felt the burn tears were coming down my eyes, I was coughing, fanning my tongue, and asking for a LARGE glass of milk! I was feeling that burn for at LEAST an hour. By the time our food came I was still feeling it to the point where I had mixed Joe Perry's Boneyard Brew into my BBQ sauce for my chicken tenders and didn't feel the burn from THAT sauce at all.

Hubby was laughing, and our group leader was patting my shoulder in appreciation because I "moved up."

Hubby's been picking on me about trying "Da Bomb" next (our group leader has Ground Zero and The Final Answer in his collection). I keep giving him strange looks.
Lori, perhaps you should share a nice little bottle of DEFCON ZERO. It'll be fun for you to watch the faces around you. Ask Tina, she still has a hole in her tongue.
John speaks true, Lori... I'm shopping around for a lovely little diamond stud to fill the hole!

DC... you're an evil, evil man. I rather like that in a person. :beer:
A friend just brought me a bottle of Spontanous Combustion. It was milder than Ground Zero, I thought. I'm getting quite a collection.
A couple hundred CAD??? That's about $5 USD, :silenced: Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyway, I am curious as well, and it will be done in due time. Right now, I'm much more concerned with the big show in NM which is right around the corner. Actually, we seemed to have tweaked our ZERO process just a bit, and the stuff coming out seems to be a bit hotter.
For pure extract, yours has a much better taste than some 'sauces' I've tried lately. Taste Final Answer some time. I've come to believe the heat is OK. :beer: The taste darn near killed me! :onfire:
I wouldn't call it nervousness, just a little anxiety, which is quite healthy. Considering you've broken my wife's fragile little heart by choosing not to show up this year, I fully expect a bout of depression to set in, geez...THERE, enough of a guilt trip yet?

Anyway, I look forward to having this stuff tested, I'm curious as well.
Frank, I've eaten way too many extracts in my time and there are far too many sauces that actually use real peppers nowadays, that I simply don't have to actually eat extracts anymore.

The reason I dislike them so much is because of THAT taste... it always reminds me of diet coke.

There are only two extracts out there that I choose to voluntarily EVER put in my mouth again and one is by John, the crazy man, with the wife of the broken heart and the other is by Mike, our Canadian pal -- his is steam extracted.

Why... because neither of them is using chemical nail polish remover as their solvent.

That said...

John... Tell your wife that there are clean sheets on the guest bed and that the Spice Boys are waiting for the imminent arrival of your turkey fryer.

(while you're here I wanna jerk a turkey and deep fry it!) We'll have a veritable feast!!!

As a Unitarian and a recovering Catholic, btw, I don't do guilt anymore.

Make wifey's day, I didn't say we weren't making Albakerky, I said I didn't know yet. We're in the process of putting some serious cash into renovations up here and cash flow being what it is, a trip to the South, without guaranteed income to pay for it, may not be in the cards. That said, we're hoping to fly the Peppermaster down to make some contacts. We're launching the States this year, big time, whether anyone likes it or not, so it's not something we want to ignore... Worst case scenario... there is always Houston in September!

A shot glass is used when mixing drinks... We use beer glasses here.

I don't wonder there's so little alkyhol in US beer if you're drinking it out of such little teeny glasses. Sheesh!
