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GrowSpace and Bonsai (Mi Updates)

I will be using this thread to announce irregular gallery updates and answer questions about the pics and...stuff.
I don't claim to be an expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.:)
In theory, anything can stay Bonsai, I believe. Or penjing.

The trick is to look out for the bonsai squirrels.
I don't bonsai, but chiles will dwarf when they are cloned.

Below is a photo of a Tangerine Bell (chinense) that is fully grown and bearing fruit...it is a 4th gen clone. Normal plant size is 3-4' high and 3' in diameter. Quarter is for scale.......

The plant is now about 12" high.

Willard rocks: He don't say much, but when he does, it's always a blinder.

re: cutting back, dwarf plants, etc.

So tell us: do they get hotter or more flavoursome as they get smaller?
Shooty* said:
So tell us: do they get hotter or more flavoursome as they get smaller?

In my experience, the onliest way that chiles get more picante is if they are dwarfed.

I have tried not watering, not feeding, too much light, too little light and etc and none of my chiles got more picante. Third or 4th gen clones, however, are muy picante....
Willard you're a genius!
That solves partly my small growing area problem.

To get them hotter you could try providing more UV with Actinic lights. Have not tryed it yet.

Actinic lights
Here is an update of 4 more pics.

I haven't been on the computer for 3 or more days. For an internet addict like me, that is great. Woo Hoo! :)
imaguitargod said:
Capsicum Bonsai?!?!?!? Why haven't I heard about this one? Do they really stay small?

They stay small if you provide a bad enough growing enviroment. I didn't do it on purpose, I just didn't take the time to re-pot when I should have.
If you don't give them enough light, they get spindly, curved, and have really long internode lengths. I like having the branch bases far away from each other on the trunks, but dwarved on the branches (by giving lots of light).
If they are kept in a small pot, cup, or bonsai dish, in the sun, they don't grow much. In the hot weather, they tend to dry out too much between waterings to really take off. They might not even fruit.
Williard, You're the Man. (Tu es la hombre.) I need to start cloning more, just for the compact, cool looking, and hot fruited plants that it makes.
Tipo apesadumbrado.
I wonder if the Actinic lights would give you sunburned skin and retinas. If not, they're just what the doctor ordered.