greenhouse Growing 4 varieties in indoor greenhouse, any advice? :D

Hey everyone!
In the next week (my final supplies get here Tuesday, will set everything up wednesday and plant Thurs or Friday) I will be planting 4 pepper plants in my indoor greenhouse I built ( My girlfriend and I selected 4 different varieties to grow (have the seeds) and I wanted to see if anyone had any final advice on any of these varieties:
Serrano peppers
Pequin peppers
White habanero
Brown Moruga Scorpion
I have a feeling I'll be doing some pruning, but that is ok! This is staying small scale for now to satisfy me over the winter!
Thanks guys!
Erol, I'm hoping I don't have to worry about aphids indoors; they have been my bane ALL SUMMER on the deck, to the point of me spending insane amounts of time cleaning them off my plants by hand every day. None have shown up on the aerogarden growing stuff or my fledgling ghost indoors thankfully. You think they will be a problem enclosed in my bug-free apartment whilst also being enclosed in a greenhouse?
Tazz, They aren't going to be under the window, but there is some pretty decent natural light in the room. My goal is to keep the temperature inside the greenhouse between 75-85 degrees. Does this seem good to you? There will be good ventilation; I have some ball bearing case fans that I'm going to be mounting in the roof to have air flow in the greenhouse as well!
I find aphids prefer some pepper types over others. 
Some of my plants the aphids wont touch, while others they seem to love.
I find the biggest thing with aphids is noticing them in the first place.
Its pretty easy to lay waste to them all with pyrethrum once you know they are there.
Your cabinet looks good, I can also see some trimming in your future :)
good luck
Well i had some cayennes inside an enclosed balcony and the window was open 24/7 since i had gone to vacation. To my horror i came back and found aphids all over the thing
If you have aphids outdoors, you will have them indoors, and possibly white flies and other things too.  Treat them when you bring them inside and many people isolate the plants in a small area detached from their living space while they successively treat the plants for insects before moving them into their regular space for the overwinter, to progressively reduce the population still hatching from eggs.
Hey Dave, thanks for the insight! I'm not bringing any plants in from outdoors. The ones that are out there are doomed when the cold hits. That won't be for another couple months though; it is still hitting the 90s in my area. Everything that will be grown will be freshly started indoors, in the safe confines of my greenhouse :D
Make sure that there's no possible source of aphid transfer.
Don't re-use any soil that's been outside.  Anything that a bug could hide in, quarantine it long enough for them to hatch/starve before putting it near your plants.
Indoor aphids are the worst.  Yeah, you can poison them easily enough, but you'll kill your plants long before you kill every last egg that way.
Wulf said:
Make sure that there's no possible source of aphid transfer.
Don't re-use any soil that's been outside.  Anything that a bug could hide in, quarantine it long enough for them to hatch/starve before putting it near your plants.
Indoor aphids are the worst.  Yeah, you can poison them easily enough, but you'll kill your plants long before you kill every last egg that way.
Don't spray, use Ladybugs. They will totally destroy aphids. You need to watch out for ants though...They normally harvest the aphids so one must put some diatomatious earth around the base of each plant to keep the ants off and give the ladybugs a safe "working environment.
Ah! Thank you guys for all this good advice! I bought all brand new stuff to make growing medium. I'm probably going to get a trashcan I can seal and mix it all inside and never ever expose it to the outdoors. I have to be super careful, I don't want to use any chems indoors with the cats roaming around!