contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

Pr0digal_son said:
What are the plans for 2021? I might be interested in embarrassing myself and watch you guys pick pods while I shovel numerous feet of snow.  ;)
Can’t do worse than me, buddy, my plant didn’t
even really make it out of the gate  :rofl:
we're already way behind for the 2021 growdown since technically people would be germinating on the 1st.
Everyone throw an idea out for a pepper or two to grow and we'll  do poll. Make it easy to get and grows prolifically
I'll start:
Scotch Bonnet (any suggested variety)
Well, here is my final weigh in for the Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii. I was going to post after 11:00pm but I'm an old man and I will be sleeping by then! 
28 pods at 148g for a total of 1202 pods and 6986.29g.

Since both myself and the plant will be done with this growdown as of today I also pulled the green pods for the heck of it.
20 TOTALLY GREEN pods at 104g for a total of 1222 pods and 7090.29g

ColdSmoke said:
we're already way behind for the 2021 growdown since technically people would be germinating on the 1st.
Everyone throw an idea out for a pepper or two to grow and we'll  do poll. Make it easy to get and grows prolifically
I'll start:
Scotch Bonnet (any suggested variety)
Ill get to making the thread and poll. Keep the cultivar candidates coming in people! Remember we all have to order from the same batch.

My suggestions are:

Biquinho Pink - C chinense
CAP 455 - C baccatum
Mini Olive Rocoto - C pubescens
Antep Aci Cross - C sp. (annum dominant)
Nosi Komba - C frutescens

All of which I can provide ISOLATED same plant, same batch seeds for.
The Frutescens would get my vote as well.
  • I OD'd on Biquinhos in 2020 and I'm still in pickling physical therapy
  • CAP 455 is already in my 2021 grow plan (seeds from JW)
  • Rocoto's hate me but I still have a crush on them
I never have a chance in this grow down,
but I'd vote for the CAP 455 baccatum
just because I can actually grow theme
One of Jukka's offerings, so has to be
good, and I know Rich's seed will be
top notch.
My vote goes to Mini Olive Rocoto
Pepper-Guru said:
Ill get to making the thread and poll. Keep the cultivar candidates coming in people! Remember we all have to order from the same batch.

My suggestions are:

Biquinho Pink - C chinense
CAP 455 - C baccatum
Mini Olive Rocoto - C pubescens
Antep Aci Cross - C sp. (annum dominant)
Nosi Komba - C frutescens

All of which I can provide ISOLATED same plant, same batch seeds for.
Do you have any pics of those 5 varieties? What is the Antep Aci crossed with?