contest Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!


Extreme Member
Starting this now and will edit this original post as updates occur. New concept on an age old classic contest. 
Its simple.
Rather than seeing who can grow the tallest plant, we see who can harvest the most weight in pods from one plant. 
1. We all do a rather quick vote on a very readily available variety and order it ourselves from the same vendor. Let's pick a tried and true variety. Can be any, but lets get this done quickly. 
2. Contest begins (germination) no sooner than Jan 1 2017 and ends on December 31st 2017. One full revolution around our Sun. 
3. Same as always; no rules as to how you grow or when you harvest. HOWEVER, every harvest must be weighed and photographed. As harvest records come in, this original post will be updated. 
4. On December 31'st 2017 harvest records will be tallied and the winner crowned. 
Its that easy. 
Now who's in?! and what are we growing ?!  :party:

 UPDATE - Contestant List
OCD Chilehead
Grass Snake
Crazy Monkey
Trident chilli
Student of Spice
Noah Yates
I vote for Large Orange Thai. I think it will grow anywhere and give an even shot across the board. Actually, any annuum will do. ;)
But I'm in regardless!
Let's roll!
Noah Yates said:
I am in!   So were you thinking weight of a bag of frozen peppers, dry weight, continuous weighing of fresh peppers as we pick them... ?
Fresh as we pick them. We pick, we weigh, we add it to our tally.

Devv said:
I vote for Large Orange Thai. I think it will grow anywhere and give an even shot across the board. Actually, any annuum will do. ;)
But I'm in regardless!
Let's roll!
That's a thought! Good taster too.
Which one of those varieties are we thinking has the largest plant structure? I've gotten the white bullet to about 5-6ft before. Should we wait for more people to chime in or just go ahead and vote on a variety like that now?
How do you guarantee same variation without seed coming from same pepper plant/grower? I'm new here, my ignernce may be showing, but with all the possible varieties and crosses I see on this website, well, it'd be a pretty loose competition, no?

I'm interested, "but".....
Brocoli said:
Sounds like fun, I'll throw my hat in.
Harvest when ripe or whenever?
 Whenever. But a ripe pod weighs more than a green one... 
alkhall said:
Just wondering how we can be sure harvest is from only one plant?
 Its called honesty!
stettoman said:
How do you guarantee same variation without seed coming from same pepper plant/grower? I'm new here, my ignernce may be showing, but with all the possible varieties and crosses I see on this website, well, it'd be a pretty loose competition, no?
I'm interested, "but".....
That's why we vote on one that is tried and true, from the same vendor or stock.
Devv said:
Wild Brazil looks like a fine producer!
Most of the vendors are out of it. You locate a good source?
I got probably a few hundred of the orange variant of wild brazil, I could donate for distribution. I prefer the taste of yellow but orange gets pretty big and is a good producer too. unfortunatly I only have a few seeds for the yellow variant
