contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

 Okay ladies and gentlefarts. It's that time of year again . My associates and I have finally decided on a pepper that is worthy of the Title . Through months of deliberation we have decided on the Large Orange Thai . One of the tastiest peppers grown by man . Have not found a bad way to eat these babies. 
We only have 5 rules when requesting seeds from us . 
1. You must update your plant or plants on a regular basis from start to finish 
2. You cannot start before February 14th . V-day and the final measurement day is Oct 31st 2015. 
3. After the Feb 14th deadline it will be our discretion if we allow anyone else to join. ( No rules about starting after the deadline ) 
4. Anyone out of the continental US must supply there own seeds and may or may not be shipped the prize packages . 
5. Do not PM us we will PM you for your  Address ( post in this thread if you want to play ) 
Just like the last two years there are no rules as to what  grow medium , nutrients , or growing method he or she may use. . When taking a picture for measurements please make sure the entire plant is shown and the ruler is  visual .  If you are growing in a container measure from the top,  not the bottom of the container . If you have or would like to purchase your own seeds from a reputable dealer that is fine  . So if you are interested in competing in this years Growdown please state that in this thread and myself or one of my associates will contact you . We have not ever had this but if by chance a grower gets a mutation slash cross it will be our discretion whether they will be eligible for the prize package . Again it's the tallest plant that wins not the widest or most fruit . 
Thank you 
Lets get it on 
Wow time flys! 
The seeds for the Large Orange Thai originally came to me around 5 years ago from my friend Rick/Downriver..
They taste wonderful and grow big very easily,definitely a staple in my garden every year  :P
My brothers Romy6, Prodigal_Son or myself will contact everyone who wants to play this year
Im off to find old paint cans,tires,and whatnot to ammend my soil