Groth Rate Pepper Porn

This was May 1st

This was June 5th

This is today....July 19th

I guess I should not have put 84 plants in my little area....LOL
I even tried some upside down planting

And some other plants upside down.

My only Naga Morich plant...I plan on over wintering this one.
Very nicely done slyone beautiful pepper garden your plants looks very lush. Really nice growth from your plants in the ground. Are you fertilizing regularly? Next year you'll know how much space you want between your plants.
Next Year..........I have 2 acres to plant. So I should be able to get at least 2 thousand plants......Hopeing I can I sell them to a Grocery store or 2......and only going with the Ultra Hots
Very very nice Sly...

You may have trouble selling the superhots at your local grocery because they are so hot...there aren't many non-chileheads that like the heat they have...JMO
Hispanic people love the novelty of them. Sell them at their super market.
La gente hispánica ama la novedad de ellos. Véndalo en su mercado estupendo.

Why are your soil peppers growing faster than others hydroponic peppers? Do you just kick Bhut or what? ;)
It is my first attempt at growing them in self watering systems. So I could not tell you. Maybe my soil mixture ??. I will be growing a lot more peppers in my homemade (earth boxes) newt year though. and my tomatos will be grow in the soil next year.
The Garden itself has very little Fetalizer, so it must be good soil. I plan on getting it tested next year. A lot of the plants in the soil still do not have flowers on them yet though.
i'm guessing high N in the soil is why they are so huge with little to no flowers. try spreading a little bloom typeish fert unless you want to wait ; ) that's cool too. i'm currently waiting on my pods i see them but they're TINY... and slow to ripen around : ).