greenhouse Greenhouse and raised bed made of used tyres

Hi everyone!

In this thread i would introduce my latest project to you.

I´ve built a greenhouse wtih 16 square meters(4x4) in my backyard and set up a raised bed in its middle
I´ve filled the bed with chicken and horse manure and topsoil.
So im well prepared for season to come.
my chillis started allready indoors in december....

Due to my poor english skills, i will give you some pics of my latest project:

unfortunately the number of pics per post is limitted
Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas...

Nice grow area....
Nice and very nice!

But I need more details! What are you using for the top - the corrugated plastic or something else? How good is the light transmission?

I love the rain gutter, that's a must do for mine. Not that it would help a bunch now - it's winter here and everything is frozen, but it should would come in handy once things thaw a bit.

Are you planning on growing in it most of the year? If so, any vents in the ceiling or just the door and the one window? This fall and even in early winter, with outside temps in the low 40s, I could reach well over 100 inside my GH.
