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Green chile shrimp tacos....with Bhutlah

Im a lightweight so i only used 1/4 giant red bhultah (shout out to cmpman1974 for the MONSTER pod).
Just a basic dish with:
3 tbsp cilantro
two minced garlic cloves
Serano peppers (4 or so for flavor, the ones here are rather huge.....5-6 may be necesarry for that true flavor)
1/4 red bhutlah (or more for you mad people)
3 tbsp oil of any sort
1 bell pepper for more crunchy substance, sliced thin
1/2 large white onion or 2 small
one half lime (to be squeezed into dish at the very end, just abit, not the normal amount for green chili sautee)
the kicker....unagi sauce
I thought of posting this post cooking so I only have a couple pics but here is my process!
Peel/DE-vien shrimps (small shrimp work best here, raw )
Slice bell to 3/8th strips
Crush/Mince garlic and Bhutlah
cut onion into rings then half those
dice the seranos
Pre heat oil and sear the shrimp real fast to get a bit of blackening, then toss in the veggies.
I put the tortillas in the oven and temp/time depends on how far out the main pan is!
I keep it on med-high until i see a blackening of the veggies, then I hit it with a bit of water so I can simmer it down to a paste or at least a canned salsa viscosity...add lime.
Once it simmers down to the non watery level (where you can tilt the pan and movement to the lower side is nice and slow) I hit it with about two tablespoons of Unagi sauce (the eel sauce they use on sushi) and sir..let simmer for another min.
Pull the tortillas if they are spotting brown and hook them up with the "shrimp chilie saute" and your favorite taco fixings....boom. I am sure this falls squarely into the same method many use but thats my take on it...hope someone enjoys it!




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hogleg said:
Looks and sounds excellent :drooling:  but that clam shell is kinda scary looking  :shocked:

Haha! Yea it went into clam mode as it cooled from the oven somehow? I should have played that off as part of the sea food theme.... :think:
Disagree! Fish > shrimp!!!!! lol. Gimme mahi tacos, or striped bass, anytime!