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pics Gowing Peppers in the tropics

Hi guys,

I have recently taken an interest in growing peppers. I have done a bit of research, bought some basic gear and started some seeds. They have germinated, and quickly. First ones on day 6 from sowing and the rest the next day. I am growing a variety of seeds that i ordered to try out.

I live in Panama and I would like to to know:

1- Our temps are between 88 and 98F in the daytime and 70-75F in the evening, but more than half of the year it is sunny in the mornings and cloudy after noon. Can I grow peppers year round?

2- I will have to place the plants in pots on the balcony, it faces south / sW so receives good sun during most of the day. The sun is strong in Panama and I was wondering if i should take any precaution as to protecting the plant from intense sun? I try to place the seedlings on the southernmost facing part of the balcony so it gets the early morning sun.

Any advice for a newby?
They will need some protection for sure. I spent a lot of time in Panama and you can grow just about anything there that needs sun, heat, humidity and rain. If it requires cold, forget it.
Do a search in the grow threads for hardening off - the process of gradually exposing your seedlings started indoors to the outside elements. They need to be protected from strong wind and too much sun to start with, then gradually exposed to more over time, so your approach of letting them only get morning sun to start with is a good one. A really strong wind can still do damage, but that's true of any plant outdoors.

Be aware that very high temps will reduce production, so in the hottest part of the summer you may want to try to find a way to shade them to reduce the temps a tad. But regardless of shade, if it's 99F or above, the plants will probably drop their flowers and not produce much, if at all. If that happens, don't worry, as they'll start producing again once the temps drop a bit.
Thanks ! I guess my biggest concern right now is the heat and direct sunlight.

As for hardening off, the were germinated and have remained outside since. Never kept indoors. Should I bring them im to protect them? or should they be hardened off by now?

The last pic is of a cherry tomato.


Yeah. Welcome. If you germinated outside, you should be a-okay and not need to harden off. Just make sure you keep 'em watered and don't let 'em dry out.

As for your temps/climate, millwork nailed it. It's PERFECT. Even 99F isn't really going to be a problem with proper water and shade. And if it isn't 99 for extended periods, it'll barely affect fruit set.

Buddy, you have it made! :D

I've always wanted to grow in a tropical climate and not have to worry about starting over each year. You're there. Enjoy it. Someone from up here can ship you some cabbage, lettuce and brussel sprouts. That's about all you're not gonna be able to grow for long/at all.

Have fun and keep us updated!
thanks guys for your kind comments.! I now feel really encouraged to follow through and grow the plants. I will surely keep y'all posted on the progress.

again, thanks for the encouragement!
I live in FL (which is still a part of the tropics), and filled a table full of peppers on my first harvest of the year. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/165873_2188403407501_187568200_n.jpg

The worst part is sometimes we get too much rain. Recovering from a Tropical Storm can cost you a season.
Nice harvest!. We dont get many tropical storms. Usually in the rainy season there are only a couple of days that there is strong wind.

My seedlings are now showing there first true leaves. I know that soon i will have to trasplant them. The question is exactlly when?

I plan to use the same soil (jiffy seeding) and 18oz cups until the plants grow some more at which time they will go into potting soil in larger pots.

I transplanted my tomatoes to 18oz cups yesterday and they woke up kind of droopy. I guess this is normal ?
Since you only have a single plant per cell I would wait until the plants have their 2nd set of true leaves. You can transplant them now at any time really, but I find them a bit sturdier once they have a set or two of true leaves on them.
Just wanted to share an update with you all. I have been thinning out the plants and keeping the strongest ones. I will probably keep 1 of each hot and 2 of the sweet ones.

These are some Takanatsume, Cayenne, Mini Bell, peperoccini and Butch T Scorpion

These are Butch T Scorpions as well


Hot Jamaican Red



Golden Marconi


Scotch Bonnet


The gang


Comments and suggestions are much appreciated! would love to learn from other growers out there,.

Seems like they are doing pretty well on their own, i'd been chilling by that pool. I think you might win "pepper plants with best view" award. Good luck for the rest of your grow and keep them watered.
thanks Pj!

I was taking a close look at the plants and I noticed something strange in some of the leafs. Some appear to have a small piece missing, others seem a bit yellow or pale. I have not given the plants any nutrients yet and the soil is Jiffy seed starting mix. Should I start fertilizing lightly? or am I just being paranoid :crazy: ?

Few more
I live in FL (which is still a part of the tropics), and filled a table full of peppers on my first harvest of the year. https://sphotos-b.xx...187568200_n.jpg

The worst part is sometimes we get too much rain. Recovering from a Tropical Storm can cost you a season.

That's one heck of a hab harvest! How many hab plants? I live in southeast Louisiana, so we have a very similar climate here.

Pac_Heat... is that sweet basil I spy in the cell pack? Those grow fast... and big! Be ready to transplant to large containers!
Pac_Heat... is that sweet basil I spy in the cell pack? Those grow fast... and big! Be ready to transplant to large containers!

Nope those are some flower seeds that my 2 yr old son spilled on the tray. They were tiny and imposible to fetch out. oh well, i've been trying to rip them out as they get big but since i will be transplanting the cells soon anyways, i just left them.