Good With The Bad!

Well it's been an interesting first season and I have learned first hand some of the info I found here after the fact, my bhuts from hirts gardens are legit "Believe it or not" but the seeds I got from ebay are bhut x jalapeños or something to that effect, on the other hand the White Habs, Birds eye, Caribbean Habs,jalapeños, and the fatalli peppers from Kneppers Peppers are awesome, I ordered the seeds before joining this site and getting the low down on ebay seeds from "some" private sellers.

AnotheSuccessss was this evening canninJalapeñosos, this was my first time canning anything and I had great success as far as getting them to seal 22 of 22 so that was a relief as I was expecting the worst till they started popping, the recipe may need tweaking a little but I used a common recipe so it should be fine.

I already started ordering seeds for next year and it looks like the bulk of my seeds will come Refining Fire Chillies, thus far all I have is 20 Trinidad Scorpions "Butch T Strain" they arrived fast and in good packaging so they have my business for this coming season.

I still have a lot of peppers to dry as they ripen and if I getJalapeñosapenos I might mix them with the others and pickle a few just to see how they turn out.

Well that me blowing off some of the events this season, there were other learning curves such as soils and ferts but thanks to this site and the members it was fairly easy to firgure it out in one season VS the long road of trial and error.
Let me know if you got Red Fatalii's from me too. There were some Fatalii's in there so if you get a yellow one, yumyum.
Well your off to a much better start than I had my first year. The one thing I did learn is that I had a LOT to learn and during the off season I read a lot and my results increased dramatically!!
I beleive they are yellows but it's hard to sayas just the very edges are turning yellow and orange a little so it's a toss up for a few days yet.

LGHT it was not bad at all thanks to this site and the internet, without that I may have had problems with the harder to grow plants.

I'll try to get picks up soon :D