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GMO, Global Alert

They scare me. I know I eat a lot of GMO product and most do, since it's every where we look.  I am in a very farmy area, most being feed corn and soy bean which I am sure are GMO crop.  It's been nice seeing a bunch of Countries banning and burning the GMO crops lately and I would guess it's  only a matter of time before something is done here. 
Gmo crops are the destruction of America as it stands and it is purely because the monopolist thoughts on life itself. I don't go out and protest this widely or eat non gmo or any of that but I strongly dis agree with gmos.
GMO does not inherently mean bad.  A lot of cross breeding that is nothing more than shaking two flowers into each other is considered GMO.  Crossing two plants that would never have come in contact with one another for various reasons I can stand by.  It helped give us the corn and tomatoes we like today.  When they start busting cells open and modifying DNA is when I start having issues.
Browning said:
You're talking simple hybrids,not neccessarily GMO's ^^
Agreed but based on US law (last time I watched a documentary on it) they are considered the same.
Meant to say cross species.  A tomato hybrid is not GMO obviously but if I remember properly there was something along the lines of tomatoes and peppers and potatoes getting genes from one another through grafts and breeding.  
As bad, is now GMO's are breeding "super bugs" resistant to the very things GMO's were designed to prevent or kill.
What doesn't kill ya, make ya (and the next generation) stronger.
The promise of GMO has failed.
Less production
Less quality
Illegal to save the seed for next year.
Farmers in 2nd and 3rd world countries who bought into the BS are going bankrupt, and often, commit suicide.
Yes, GMOs are NOT hybrids.  GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism.
A GMO has been genetically manipulated i.e the RoundUp ready soybeans and corn. Think gene splicing and gene manipulation.
There are basically two types of GMOs Trans-Genomic and Cis-Genomic.
Trans-Genomic type will never occur naturally in nature and they are nothing like hybrids.  The MUST be created in a lab.
Cis-Genomic type can occur in nature but is extremely rare, and offspring is usually sterile (think mule) and is still generally done in a lab.
When everyone crosses peppers you are in essence creating Hybrids...not GMOs.
The average person CANNOT buy GMO seeds, to even buy GMO seed you must be a commercial farmer and sign loads of legal forms.
When you see a seed company pitching NO GMO seeds, it is nothing more than a BS marketing ploy.