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Fungal problem of some sort?

Hi there,

These plants are my yellow CARDIs and they've been outside for a while. And they have these strange markings on the leaves. It looks fungal to me but i cant be sure.

Can someone help me identify this?

the black/brownish spots

Another pic of the problem

Edit: that will teach me to post without previewing first. Sorry guys, hope the photos load up good now.
how close are they to the lights? How often are you watering? Those would be my first two guesses.
Looks more like burns to me than fungus

Avon is right, its outside currently and not under lights. Its been pretty hot lately and the temperature fluctuates 15c's at night.
If its sunscald/burn i will try to put the plants under shade and see if they recover.

I don't believe its the light but ifs it a bug its on on the small to micro level. Garden Safe Fungicide3 will probally do the trick.
I've been reading a lot of the older threads on pests.....get the spray ASAP. Best to hit it quick just in case it is a pest.
It looks to me like Bacterial leaf spots.wet and humid are conditions favorable for it to happen. Is the plants kept in areas that has poor circulation? Are the plants close together? Better to isolate the effected plants. If you can find some Cooper based fungicide use them to prevent spread. I know you have removed the effected leaves.monitor them to see any reoccurrences . Good luck my friend.
I just got home. I have been thinking abt your problem. It might be a fungus after all ,cercospora capsici can cause leaf spots like yours.get a fungicide and deal with it.
Thanks for the tips. seems like the best way to handle this is to get the spray. Will do.

Just when i thought my season's going great. Darn it.

Thanks for the tips. seems like the best way to handle this is to get the spray. Will do.

Just when i thought my season's going great. Darn it.


I got a very good result from Cinnamon bark powder. My fungus infected seeds and soil were treated with cinnamon powder .I have about 15 Mundus growing out of 20 sown.

The Mudu seeds and Reshampattis from Ohio were infected by fungus.

I plan using cinnamon water to spray this year for fungal or bacterial attack.

Costco seels Saigon Cinnamon at 2.67 Dollars for a large jar.(I think 12oz)

Try it.
