free FREE 7 Pot Reds Seeds...Brought to you by Baker's Peppers!


Hey everyone! We are dropping yet another free seed giveaway to the first 10 takers!! Up for grabs now is NICE yielding 7 Pot Red seed pack :) I have 10 packs available and each pack has 10+ seeds in it...ONE PER PERSON PLEASE!! I also need to stress only get in on this if you SERIOUSLY want the seeds please...if you reserve it, please drop the SASBE/SASE in the mail :) I only say this because some people reserve seeds and then never claim them and i have already told several people i was out of them that could have got see what i mean here?? lol DONT BE THAT GUY/GAL!! lol...Anyway...Also, please make sure you put enough postage on your packages/envelopes as well. I have had to pay the difference on stuff sent to me as well as stuff mailed out...Here at Baker's Peppers we like to give out a few "FREEBIES" in our seed giveaways as well, usually dried pods or extra seed packs or whatnot...Anyway, we would hate to have you miss out on the "FREEBIES" for lack of postage...LOL anyway, after further review I have found out from the post office here in Tampa that it costs $1.71 to mail a 4x7 bubble mailer stuffed with stuff one way!! So to insure your mail makes it to us, as well as back to you, please make sure u put $1.71 on the way to me, as well as for your bubble mailer to return to you :) Totaling $3.42 for shipping..I mean you can always just chance it with less postage, it may be returned to sender or not, who knows lol...If you have no interest in the "FREEBIES" a plain ol' envelope with regular postage will do, its just not bubble protected and the shipping may crush the seeds...your call :)Thanks for your interest in our seeds and HAPPY GROWING!! Reserve here, and then PM me for further info :)

Thanks Again,
Baker's Peppers
I'm in. But is it ok to just put the stamps in the envelop with a self-addressed label to put over your address in the bubble envelop I send you?