pics First harvest... Pepper gods were happy.

Had a good first harvest today and the Pepper gods were definitely feeling the love....
I have a question   why do you pick your scorpions so green? Do they turn red or do they taste better green?
Just curious. :party: 
VERY nice harvesting...
Hot Head said:
I have a question   why do you pick your scorpions so green? Do they turn red or do they taste better green?
Just curious. :party: 
VERY nice harvesting...
No, they don't taste better but will ripen up in a few days.
Hot Head said:
I have a question   why do you pick your scorpions so green? Do they turn red or do they taste better green?
Just curious. :party: 
VERY nice harvesting...
As Smileyguy pointed out, I have found that the scorps ripen VERY fast. And I never pick them totally green, I will pick them once they have started the process. So the ones that look green in the photo do have some color somewhere on them.
The one pepper that I have not grown before this season and am really liking is the cherry bomb (red golfball sized ones in the photo). Taste just like a sweet red bell pepper with a decent amount of heat. The cherry bomb plants that I have are COVERED in pods, awesome producer.
LOVE this time of year. I owe a great deal of my success to THP. I have learned SO much and everyone is so generous. Thank you all!!
Whitewookie said:
Just a quick question. How many plants do you have?
In my dad's garden, about 200. I have about 30-40 at my house. I was trying several different germination methods this season, so I ended up with an over abundance of plants. In my dad's garden, I would say 80% of the plants are hanging full right now with pods, so these first two harvests will be tiny compared to what's to come.
See THIS POST to see how the garden started out..