overwintering First endeavor into over wintering

Brocoli said:
I've done just water with no source of aeration a few times and it didnt work very well for me, much better luck with just some soil and keeping it wet. Although looking at your pic again, those look like some meaty stems. New tender growth is best for taking cuttings. Could try to scratch the epidermis a bit to make it easier to send out roots.
I agree with the new, tender growth statement from Brocoli, and the aeration statement as well.
I made my own bubble cloner (click - link to google pics of bubble cloners) and have been getting 100% success for a wihle now. I use only tap water and keep it at 76 degrees. I have a pic of my diy bubble cloner in my IG page (link also in sig), look for the tote with the neoprene inserts about 6 to 8 rows down in the current pics.
I even tried seeing how long I can go and still get over 60% success without changing the water - 7 months!! I did have to add tap water as it evaporated, but never changed anything out.
It may not be as cheap-n-easy as the ball jars, but it was a fun project to build and still pretty easy without costing even a fraction of the store-bought versions.
I have also found temps to be very important for cloning. 74-79 seems to be optimal in my experience.
edit: Took a quick screen shot of one of the pics from my IG (there are more pics of it in action)

Maybe $35-40ish in materials per cloner, including the air pump.
I only have 15 sites in each, but I could have fit up to 24 pretty easily. I just like them spaced out.
So far things look okay...Just an experiment from the leftovers butchering the plants for over wintering.

I did read that some success has come from the woody stems cloning peppers so I just went for it.

I plan on picking up a small air pump and placing an airstone into each jar tomorrow to see if that aids in success as well.

Not really expecting these cuts to survive....just an experiment do or die.

In hindsight taking the cuttings 2 mos ago and better planing for success should have heen followed.
Masher said:
These are clone cuttings in water....no soil involved yet.

As the last pods ripened on upper branches of my big cardi scorpion, I started whacking them off so it will fit in the overwinter shelter. I stuck one 15" piece into a pitcher of water and parked it in a south facing window. I thought it would die in days but it's still alive and the new growth is still growing. This is more than a month now. No roots yet but maybe someday.
A week or so ago I added a reaper branch and another scorpion branch with a big pod to finish ripening. The pod is doing great. It went from orange with a tiny green spot to full red. I'll wait until it gets brighter red before I pick it.
The clone project was a bust....stems just turned to slime even with airstones added.

My 5 over winters have been exposed to 30-40F this last month.....all leaves shriveled up died or fell off......not looking good.

Still watering and added a heater to the space...pretty good chance my neglect has killed them off.
Masher said:
The clone project was a bust....stems just turned to slime even with airstones added.

My 5 over winters have been exposed to 30-40F this last month.....all leaves shriveled up died or fell off......not looking good.

Still watering and added a heater to the space...pretty good chance my neglect has killed them off.

As long as the stem is green, its alive. Could be completely dormant now, comparing to other plants that go dormant, most shed all their leaves as well.
Sorry about your clones, but now the good thing is... You get to try again!
Masher said:
Chocolate Moruga chopped and transplanted....kept most of the root ball and went with a 3 gal pot to minimize stress hopefully.
There are actually 2 separate plants rooted together.

I killed everything...the Fatalli's, Red Bhut and the Hab....the Choc Moruga above was actually 3 plants together.
2 of the mains died.....but one has survived after placing it into the grow room with the other starts for this season.
I pulled the two dead root balls and stems and this what's growing now.  :dance: