• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Few peppers


Since "les saintes glaces" are over (period between 11-13th of May, after it's expected it won't be freezing anymore), I'm already put few of my peppers in bigger pots ready to be put outside as soon as the temperature will be high enough over night.
So here we have: Fatalii, Cayenne, peter pepper, habanada and sweet red pepper, others pots are tomatoes, chocolate bell pepper and gherkins.



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"les saintes glaces"...I like that.  What is that exactly, that last freeze before spring?  The Ice saints? Holy ice/freeze?
Makes me think we might have a similar expression in Cajun french.  Wish my grandparents were still here to ask.  I love those little phrases like that, that aren't exactly directly translatable.
Quand même...tout va bien asteur, bonne chance!
I think the right name in english is: Ice Saints. It's last cold snap, that's why many gardeners here put some plants outside only after this period but it's more like a superstition :)
There is a northern English saying.
'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out'
This translates roughly as don't put away your winter clothes until the weather warms.
Gardners use this as don't plant out your tender plants until the risk of frost has passed and that in northern England is usually early June.
Yeah, last week-end we had 27degrees with blue sky and sun, the day after it was about 8 degrees with cloud and rains. You will never know what could happen in May.
In French we have kinda the same but for April: "En avril, ne te decouvre pas d'un fil, en mai fais ce qu'il te plait" which means: "In april keep your winter clothes, in may do what you want."
With my 20+ plants, I finally got a first issue with one of them.
It's a cherry bomb plant, the bud are turning dark/brown (looks like they are getting dry or something) small one have already fallen (they were completely dry).
The plant is still inside with no direct sunlight (and no growing lamp too).
Shall I water it more often? (I'm watering my chili boy every 3 days), soil is a mix of vermiculite/blond peat/regular mix soil.

Any input?


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I must say, things are going well.
I'm progressively moving plants from indoor to outside as the night temp are not lower than 12 degree Celsius now. Still have bunch of plants (mine and the one recovering I mentioned in another post).

This is how it looks now from outside point of view. West exposure, full sun severals hours a day (afternoon to evening).
I put a first cayenne outside 10 days ago and this little guy is amazing and it growth faster than the one who stayed inside.

PS: Someone can move this post into the glogs section?


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As I will be away for 4 days in a raw and they are planning some rain/thunder at one point, I decided to put back all my plants inside for this time frame (from today till Sunday).
It's also time to get some pictures of their actual state.
I hope they won't be too sad by being inside but I don't want them to be overflood by rain.

2 of the cayanne are doing great with already fruits on them. Others seems fine too!


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Update: Everything is going smoothly here.
Some of my plants have started to sky rocket since the last update. Only my Peter pepper is not going that well.
Still have 6 plants inside as they are still very small but they will soon go outside.
I have spotted some gnat and ants so I move away the tomatoes plant, and I'm planning to spray some black soap on my plants just in case.
I also did the first harvest of gherkins not so many but they started to be too big for my taste so it was time to do something with them.

Now it's time for some pics.
If you notice something wrong, any advice is welcome.


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Thanks a lot!
Yes moving the topic in glogs could be nice, but I don't know how to do it myself.

Back on topic, what I suspected yesterday is on-going: red spot + some leafs have been eaten a bit over night.
So today I sprayed black soap in the morning, going to do it again in the evening when the sun will be gone. I also put some coffee grounds around and anti-snail stuff around the pots.
Better to deal with this now before it gets out of control.


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Thanks for the tips, I'll report my own post.
Today, it looks like I haven't had more damages on my plants but I noticed one of the cayenne pepper has started to be eaten by something, dunno what/why yet. This particular plant is doing awesome overall, already 4 fruits, tons of buds and 7 flowers already.
I have been away for 4 days, so I have put all my plants inside during that time. Turns out they did very well ... as by now most of them have buds/flower. The first Cayenne now have 7 fruits!
I'd say they like the constant 25-26 degrees I have in the room. Today is a rainy/cold day (~16 degrees) but I decide to put them back outside (because my wife doesn't want them inside any longer).

So here is 2 pics: first one is from the day I put them back inside, second one is from when I was back (yesterday evening FR time).

I also spotted the guy (in the third pic) and his friends on couples plants, dunno if it's bad or good dude.


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Couples of more pics after I put them back outside (closer to a window for younger plants).



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Plants look good, ready to take off outside.
And the cayenne pods!  :woohoo:
Thanks a lot guys!

Today I have a question: What can be the root cause for leaves to start browning as seen in the following picture? Lack of nutrients?
Also, on some plants the bud rod have become yellow and they look weaker that others.


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No pics, but today I have been removing a cayenne from its plant, was still green but it has been eaten by something: there was a hole in the middle when cutting it I noticed than half of the seeds inside where dark ... I sill give it a try and the heat was there ... even more heat than cayenne from last year :)
Small update, plants are taking off and I have more pods, nothing ready yet but it is on its way.
I'm still watering them every 2-3 days depending on the sun intensity.

Since the temp are often reaching 95°F or higher sometimes I'm planning to had clay pellets on every pot to limit water evaporation.
I don't use "fertilizer" just raw water and sometimes I infuse water with some horse manure. In late May till Mid June I was using the Chili focus fertilizer from growtech. For what I can say right now both seems to give good results.

edit: on 1st picture you can see in front 2 plants labelled as Pili-Pili, the one in wire mesh is pili-pilli, second one is definitely not. I suspect it to be Chocolate Habanero since it looks very similar to my choco habanero let's see what his fruits will be.
(other plant in wire mesh is an Aji Charapita, I'm very curious about how its fruits will taste).


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