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fertilizer Fertilizer Burn

It looks like I subjected my hot pepper plants to fertilizer burn. Up until last week, I was watering all my pepper plants with Cal-Mag (diluted to 1/4 strength) every watering. I was under the impression that Cal-Mag diluted to that concentration posed no risk of burning the plants. It looks like I was wrong. I have attached some pics...how badly burned do they appear to be? Slight burn? Moderate burn? Anything I can do to help them recover? I have already "flushed" them with plain water about 5 days ago and I'm still waiting for the soil to dry out. As a side note, out of the 7 varieties of hot peppers I'm growing, only the Trinidad Scorpions and the Bhut Jolokias were affected.



fertilizer burn will show on the newest leaves. those plants look fine.

its not a bad idea to run some tap water every now and then through the plants, especially when they are small and in small containers.