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fermenting Fermented Fatalii Sauce Sucess

I just finished making a pretty basic sauce using some fatalii peppers I purchased from THP member Hillbilly Jeff and some yellow bell peppers from the grocery store.
I couldn't tell you the final weight of the peppers used.  I didn't grow any this year so the SFRB of fatalli's I got from him is all I had. The yellow bell was a large one. 
At the time I got them we were pretty busy here so I kept a couple fatalli's out to sample and froze the rest.  The ones I sampled were very hot and I wasn't sure I liked the taste or not but decided to try them in a sauce later.
About a month ago, I thawed the peppers, washed and cut them up along with the yellow bell and they all fit in a 1 quart jar to which I added a 3.5% brine made with  Himalayan pink salt and Caldwells fermentation starter. (I had read conflicting stories about frozen veggies not fermenting) I covered the peppers with the brine and added a cabbage leaf and glass weight to keep them submerged and capped with an Easy Fermenter Lid.  The fermentation started that same day and was a lively ferment for a couple weeks!  I let this work until yesterday (~1 month) and decided to make a sauce.
I had no clue what I wanted to do but I did know I didn't want one of the sweet, fruity type sauces I read about being made with fatalli's so I decided something basic.  
I poured off most of the brine and saved that.  The rest went in the Ninja for 2 auto blend cycles which did a great job making a smooth sauce.  I strained out the seeds then I cooked this for about 15 minutes at a low simmer and then tasted.  Wow.  Fermented fatalii"s are pretty good.  I added a tablespoon of kosher salt, a tablespoon of agave syrup and tasted again. Now I'm getting somewhere but something else is missing so to the spice rack I go.  After tasting a few spices I decided cumin seemed to go with the fatalii flavor the most so I added a 1/2 teaspoon of that and tasted again.  It was getting better but I wanted a little more cumin so I added another 1/2 teaspoon and decided that was it for spices but I wanted a little twang so I added 1/4 cup of white vinegar.  It tasted pretty good while it was hot so it was time to bottle.  
I had 6 woozy bottles in a pot that I had boiled for 15 minutes sitting on the stove on low, keeping them hot so I employed my wife to help with the bottling process.  She held the hot bottles, one at a time, while I poured the sauce through a funnel, then she applied the flow restricter and cap and put them upside down in the box they came out of.  We ended up with 5 woozy bottles from the 1 quart jar we started with.  I reserved a little of the sauce to let cool to room temp so I could check the ph.  I forgot to check it right out of the jar.  Anyway, the final ph read 3.1 with my ph meter that I had just calibrated so I feel really good about shelf life.  The color is a crazy almost neon yellow.  I don't have a pic right now but if I remember, I'll get one later to post. 
For dinner last night I tried the sauce on some chicken breast and am really impressed with it.  The flavor of the fatalli's really stand out with a citrusy(sp?) taste and the cumin is there but in the background.  I couldn't even taste the vinegar but I'm sure it helped get the ph to 3.1.  I wish I had remembered to check it right out of the jar.  Oh, and the fermentation really cut the heat down quite a bit.  It is still plenty spicy but not like before.
I still have 2 more quart of fermentation going on.  One is all orange habaneros and the other is yellow scotch bonnets mixed with yellow bell peppers, garlic and black pepper corns.  The odor coming out of that one is awesome.  
Sorry for the long post.
Happy sauce making!