favorite Favorite pod reviewers?

Not sure if this is the right sub-forum but I am looking for new pod reviewers on ytube. I have watched almost all of Ted Barrus's  reviews and looking for more. I'm looking for detailed reviews about flavor/heat more detail the better. Thanks in advance!
I am not looking for "challenges" etc, just professional reviews, thanks!
Nigel definitely! Nigel Carter on youtube. He also posts his reviews on these forums. If you want detailed reviews, Nigel is the man. Extremely detailed reviews on all types of chiles, not just super hots. I wish I could taste all the subtle flavors that he can. Just check out one of his reviews to see what I mean. A lot of reviewers out there and many are good but if you want detail I haven't seen anyone better
Scorched said:
Nigel definitely! Nigel Carter on youtube. He also posts his reviews on these forums. If you want detailed reviews, Nigel is the man. Extremely detailed reviews on all types of chiles, not just super hots. I wish I could taste all the subtle flavors that he can. Just check out one of his reviews to see what I mean. A lot of reviewers out there and many are good but if you want detail I haven't seen anyone better
Great thank you! I shall add both of these reviewers. Thanks!
Nigel Carter is at the pinnacle of pepper reviewers. I would liken his palette to that, of some of the world renowned Bordeaux critics, cept' he does peppers. From the hottest to the rarest he reviews them all.
I've watched a couple of nigel's videos. His first and second now .I have to say this is exactly what I was looking for! Calm, informative, no gimmicks.. Perfect. thanks!
Mr. Nigel Carter is my favorite!  Cool,  calm and collected and explains flavor profiles and heat extremely well.  Top notch reviewer!
Nigel said:
Wow, thanks everyone, I`m really humbled!
I watch all of Neil Smith`s reviews at The Hippy Seed Company. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeV5BiFJPEYiLci3GuwbvQ
As well as Bill Moore`s, mentioned above.
Smoking James is also excellent. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XaasocSSzhIXJiO6vZv3A
As is Paul Tonkin. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-jnwlAyZ_duwsb6B2ld8TA
Thanks Nigel! I have added all of the channels you mention to my viewing schedule!  I will begin watching them after I watch all of yours :)
Nigel Carter is my #1 also, but there are Paul Tonkin, Neil Smith, Smoking James, Ted Barrus, Beaglestorm, Compmodder26 ... all very good.
Bill Moore and Nigel are my favourite!
But Paul Tonkin is great too: when i watch a review i want informations about the Pod (flavor, aroma, origin, and yeah, heat too) not to get a proof that the reviewer is a cool dude that can handle capsaicin!
The 3 i mentioned before really do a grat job in expanding Capsicum culture
Nigel is my favorite and my least favorite is Ted Barrus he just sucks and has to for some reason puke in every video......not to mention constantly spit. But Nigel is the man and I definately love his reviews, he has led me to try TONS of peppers!