favorite Favorite Pepper Plant w/ Small Size

Hey all - thanks again for all of your helpful comments and insights. Looking for recommendations on pepper varieties that naturally have a small plant size and canopy, but still yield a decent amount of fruits. 
Trying to squeeze as many peppers as I can out of my apartment balcony.
Much appreciated!
- Bub
plant size is a function of pot size. if you want them to stay small simply don't give the roots much room to grow.
the smaller the root mass the less nutrients it can absorb.

here is my experience:
tiny 8" - 1.5' plants use 16oz solo cup / 3.5 in pot.
small 1'-2.5' plants use 1 gal pot/bag
medium 1.5-4' plants use 3 gal pot/bag
large 2'-6' plants use 5 gal pot/bag
maximum 10' 30 gallon or 150L pot/bag

Smaller peppers will produce more quantity
thai(red, orange, compact), medusa, aji omnicolor, biquinho, numex twilight(and other small numex ornamentals), etc

for a bit larger i'd suggest joe's long cayenne, habanero paper lantern

but really any variety works

exception - stay away from the really big ones like numex big jim, bell peppers, manzanos they need large plants
Thanks juanitos for the very informative answer. I asked a question about container size in another thread, and you successfully answered that for me.
Looks like I'll experiment with different container sizes to make the most of my indoor/outdoor space.
Have you ever grown small peppers entirely indoors?
bubspeppers said:
Thanks juanitos for the very informative answer. I asked a question about container size in another thread, and you successfully answered that for me.
Looks like I'll experiment with different container sizes to make the most of my indoor/outdoor space.
Have you ever grown small peppers entirely indoors?
i grew white bullet habanero's at my office job under flouro desk cabinet.
Indian Carbon from 2017 that was grown fully inside my apartment.  Trimming the new growth helped keep it smaller in a 3 gal pot.
One variety I have found that produces exceptionally well, but has small plants in the Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habanero.
Planted in my raised bed, the plants are typically 2-3 feet tall, but produce hundreds of pods.
I cannot say if they will do as well in a container.