favorite Favorite or most abundant 7 Pod?

MeatHead1313 said:
Judy's white 7's are awesome. Just like her! 
I totally agree on both counts!  Judy is awesome and I had some of her 7 pod whites a little while ago and they were amazing!  Definitely growing that one next year.
7 pot primo from pepperlover doing nicely
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As a side benefit to the 7 pot whites and the Yellow Brainstrains from Judy, is the fact that those two types were some of my most productive plants this year.  I think I got 75 plus pods off each of my yellow BS plants and every one of them was between a golfball and a tennis ball in size.  They are large pods.  The whites were also very productive and they kept producing ripe pods up into the rain and cold temps.  The germination percentages were also very high.  Good quallity seeds!
Can't believe I left the 7 Pot Burgundy off my recommendation.  In my opinion, it is the best tasting superhot I've ever had.  I've not grown them myself, so I cannot attest to vigor and prolificacy of the plant.  But for taste alone, it is a must grow for me. 