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fermenting Father's Day Mash

My kids gave me a 5 L Harsch Crock for Father's Day ...

6 lbs of finely chopped Carribbean Reds + Sea Salt + Brine + 3 Probiotic caplets (L. Acidophilus, L. Bifidus, L. Bulgaricus, and S. Thermophilus)... :lol:




The tough part is the 6 week wait ... :eek:

Thanks babies !!!

OH MAN!! Now that sure beats a lousy necktie or a coffee mug! Great job with that family man. And happy Father's day. I'll start putting hints out there to my 2 year old for next year....(i want mash...Dada wants mash..)
Nice looking batch you've got there.
About how long did you ferment...5 weeks or so?
Did you just bottle the mash as is for cold storage...or process it in a water bath...or pressure ?
Gota love that Harsch crock !
Yep, 5.5 weeks ... I couldn't stand it any more ... ha,ha

It's pH was 3.4 ... but I went ahead a pressure canned it ... 15 lbs for 30 minutes.

It's sooo hot ... a teaspoon is blistering ...

So I figured the digestive benefit of 'live culture' vs. safety (I give it away to friends) ... was kinda moot.

It ain't sauerkraut ... hee, hee

Next batch I'm going to run longer ... there was zero surface mold/yeast ... so I'll be more patient next go round :lol:
I understand the pressure canning logic if giving it away....especially when folks that don't happen to eat a lot of fermented foods regularly....consume a little too much.

Yes...I bet letting it work a few months longer will make a major difference,kinda like a wine mellows with time. And it'll also be nice to compare the two batches.
Every one that I know that has or has ever used a Harsch crock raves about how easy and fool proof they are.
I have more air lock jar set ups than I will ever be able to use,but seeing your "Blistering" pics makes ordering one mighty tempting.
I just priced a 7.5L today for $119.00 w/weights and free shipping.(ARGH!!!!)
Enjoy that sauce.