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pics Fatalii Cross? pics

This plant came from a batch of seeds I received from scoville in Florida. They were marked as Fatalii and another plant from the same batch of seeds is growing true as a Fatalii. This one however is different. It's always exciting IMO to find something new and I haven't tasted the pepper yet, but it doesn't look mild. I'll report back soon as it's just about ready to be picked. Any thoughts on what it crossed with? Or if it's something else entirely? Or just a good name for it?


Coooool! I've got what I believe is a Chocolate Hab x Fatalii cross going right now too bigT. My pods are a bit more flattened and elongated than those, but that color is amazing! Do let us know what the flavor and heat are like. I'll post some pics of mine when they ripen as well.

Pretty exciting isn't it? Especially when you've got other plants breeding true, it's kinda interesting to get a cross and see what happens with it.
imaguitargod said:
What, didn't we have this same conversation, word for word a week ago?

We talked about this plant before for sure. I was waiting for the color change before I brought up the subject again. There are a few other pods this evening going from green to orange on their way to red. I'll have to sample a fresh pod tomorrow and report back on the taste/heat.
bigt said:
We talked about this plant before for sure. I was waiting for the color change before I brought up the subject again. There are a few other pods this evening going from green to orange on their way to red. I'll have to sample a fresh pod tomorrow and report back on the taste/heat.

SEE! Told you! :lol:
Looks like some Caribbean Red is in there, light green pods, almost the same shape and size...

Very interesting, what do they smell and taste like?
Silver_Surfer said:
How bout Fatabanero or Habilli. :lol:

Cool pods bigt.

I like that Fatabanero. Nice one.

RichardK said:
Looks like some Caribbean Red is in there, light green pods, almost the same shape and size...

Very interesting, what do they smell and taste like?

I thought the same thing about the Caribbean Red, especially with the bottom part of the pod tapering. A bunch more ribbing than a CR though. I don't know on the taste and smell yet - I'll try it a little later tonight I hope. Here's another pic just taken this morning showing the colors on initial ripening. A bit of yellow-orange on the way to red.
ya, definitely looks like a pissed off habanero. I bet the taste it produces is extremely fruity, and addictively dangerous. Fatabinero has a nice ring.
Omri said:

Habatalii - I like that too!

Fr0tran said:
ya, definitely looks like a pissed off habanero. I bet the taste it produces is extremely fruity, and addictively dangerous. Fatabinero has a nice ring.

You are pretty much right on - "pissed off habanero" is what it is.


I got home early for lunch and decided to have this bad boy with a can of tuna, a little mayo, some chopped onion and bell pepper on some pita. I cut it open and could already smell it even before I bent down to get closer. One small sniff up close brought on an instant cough. OK, enough of that - very intense, fruity, pineapplish odor. I decided to eat half of it with the tuna. I ate a whole Jamaican Scotch Bonnet (similar size) 2 days earlier and that was not even close to the heat as half of this thing. The closest I can think of as regards to heat would be a Chocolate Habanero or maybe just a regular Fatalii, but I've only had the Fatalii cooked so not a fair comparison. The heat is instant and concentrated in the front and sides of your mouth, not much in the back. Tongue, cheeks, roof and lips all go off fast and good. Immediately started sweating and the burn still lingered 10 minutes after I finished the tuna. My napkin got soaked with forehead sweat. I still have some small lingering burn as I type this 20+ minutes later. The flavor is very similar to an Orange Hab with a pineapplish undertone, but the flavor is soon overpowered by the heat. This is a much hotter beast than an Orange Hab. To sum up, I doubt I'll be eating too many more of these raw, just a bit strong for me. Maybe a quarter of one or something. But I'll wager they would be great cooked. I have some Red Savinas and Chocolate Habs growing so I really need to compare them back to back to get a real sense of the heat. Anyway, my first impression is that I'm impressed. :lol: Thanks Scoville!

Wow, lots of yellow juicy goodness on those ribs! Look at the bottom right corner of the pic, it's pooled!

Thanks for the flavor update bigT. Can't wait for my chocolate hab x fataliis now!