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Extremely large leaves

I have planted my chilli seedling under my full spectrum LED setup for the firs time this year. I have set up a soil mixture that is nothing special - sand potting soil mix. They sky-rocketed from the beginning and now, they have huge leaves, growing branches and look extremely healthy. They are dark green, leaves are flat, not wilting or anything, but like I mentioned, they are humongous. Never really got them that large. They also don't grow much upwards, because of strong light, they just seem to expand vertically. And did I mention the gigantic leaves?
What causes them to grow like that? I was growing them outside in almost 100% compost, and they haven't been that large. Is it fertilizer related, do they like that reddish light or is it something completely different?
The fastest grower is carolina reaper. That thing was branching out even without pruning, I topped it anyway then, to keep it lower before the spring comes.
Carolina reaper, Chocolate scorpion and 7pot primo
Bhut jolokia seems to be growing sloooowly, compared to those, but could also be getting shaded out, because they are now using all my available space. :)
Tarzan said:
Carolina reaper, Chocolate scorpion and 7pot primo
Bhut jolokia seems to be growing sloooowly, compared to those, but could also be getting shaded out, because they are now using all my available space. :)
When I had my nutrient PPM up too high on my hydro system I was getting gigantic dark green leaves on my chinenses but all the flowers were aborting. Not saying that's what is going on with your plants but very dark green foliage with huge leaves might point to excess nitrogen which can inhibit flowers setting. If you have trouble with flower drop that would be something to consider. Just wanted to mention that since it took me awhile to figure out why I couldn't get any fruit to set when I had that problem since the plants looked great.
This is what the leaves on my Trinidad Scorpion looked like when it had a bit too much to eat: 

Your plants look extremely happy and they sure seem to be enjoying that LED light. Good luck with your grow this year!
They are not nearly ready to flower just yet. I have two overwintered plants that decided to start puttin' out flowers before they actually set up their leaves. Same soil mix, perhaps with less sand. I might give it some nitrogen to boost the green growth - there will be enough time to flush it out later in the season. :)
Most, if not all, of my chinense are wider than they are tall.
I have quite a few doubles, so I had to search a bit to find a single.
Chocolate NagaBrain (seeds from RFC):


Ocean Forest, T5HO.
Well, I got leaf-envy for sure....My Scotch Bonnets show that growth characteristic of low and wide. Topped one of them and wished I didn't. It's starting to branch out but its been super slow compared to other topped plants.
I never top mine, just personal preference, but (for the chinense at least) I typically see around an inch on the main stem between each set of leaves while under the lights. Of course, after plant-out they grow considerably.
Last year, I had some leaves about the size of Millworkman's on one of my Yellow 7-Pot cross plants (~7-8 inches). I thought I took a pic, but I cannot seem to find it.
alkhall said:
Nice, what is it?
Looks to be a fairly large plant, judging the visible edge of the pot it is in.
Was a Bhut from a few years ago.  Only a few weeks old.  Was maybe 1.5 feet tall at the time.
Tarzan said:
I have planted my chilli seedling under my full spectrum LED setup for the firs time this year. I have set up a soil mixture that is nothing special - sand potting soil mix. They sky-rocketed from the beginning and now, they have huge leaves, growing branches and look extremely healthy. They are dark green, leaves are flat, not wilting or anything, but like I mentioned, they are humongous. Never really got them that large. They also don't grow much upwards, because of strong light, they just seem to expand vertically. And did I mention the gigantic leaves?
What causes them to grow like that? I was growing them outside in almost 100% compost, and they haven't been that large. Is it fertilizer related, do they like that reddish light or is it something completely different?
The fastest grower is carolina reaper. That thing was branching out even without pruning, I topped it anyway then, to keep it lower before the spring comes.
Hi Tarzan,
Are any of these by any chance from the seeds I sent you? Just curious.  p.s. wow those are big leaves.