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Experimental wine sauce

Just because i had nothing better to do... Unfortunately now i have some semi-fresh-semi-dried unknown peppers only (i think 7pod or scorpion or orange habanero would be perfect here). Unfortunately i had not a lot of spices at home. I suppose cinnamon, nutmeg, carnation cloves and bay tree leaves would be good here. Maybe honey, butter or broth too... Maybe don't use oil but only wine... Or a different wine... So next time i could try something different. Apple should be good on this.
That time i used that ingredients:

  • evo oil
  • 7-800 cc red wine
  • balsamic vinegar
  • salt
  • black pepper powder
  • random hot peppers
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 onions (wanna try shallots or red onions next time)
  • some rosemary
  • 1-2 tablespoons of wheat
Wine: new Barbera grape harvest 2013, it's still sweetish... Very very good wine, medium strenght, quite dark.

  • i cut everithing
  • i boiled for 1 minutes on little water onions, salt and black pepper
  • added evo oil with hot peppers and rosemary
  • after a while i added some balsamic vinegar
  • when it is a little dried i added red wine
  • cook until liquid is 1/2 or 1/3 of the starting quantity, ~ 3/4 hour, stir often
  • add 1 full tablespoon of wheat or 2 and other salt if needed
  • cook another bit.
It's quite hot:

Tried with bread:

It has a sweet taste, a bit strange so it's different. Not bad. Probably is good with nachos.
I plan to eat in i some days so i didn't use some preserving methods...
Suggestions welcomed!