Every.Single.CGN Numbered pepper

Did you know that you can order (for free) every single CGN numbered pepper that exists straight from the center for genetic research in the Netherlands. Yes you heard me, every one of them. Tovarii, Galapagoense, exile, Eximium. Everything. Just a few forms to fill out and then hope that they approve your request. But yea you don't even have to pay for the shipping or anything. No more paying alot of money for the "hard to find" wild varieties or CGN varieties. They're all there all for free.

You're welcome
kgetpeppers said:
Wow this is interesting. You don't have to do anything after received?
Not one bit. If you read the agreement, you have to pay them a percentage of sales if you sale anything you produce from growing their seeds. But other than that, nope
It's fun to search around on there.
I think they have Cumari do Para (which we usually consider a C. chinense) listed as C. frutescens on their site as CGN21504
Jamison said:
Wow.  Now if I could just figure it out.
It took me a little time to figure it out, but once I did. I ordered some Tovarii, 2 different Galapagoense, C. Exile, and C. Eximium, and a random Chinense
Haha...if you believe you don't have to do anything, read some more!!! I PROMISE you they are not that lenient / non-caring.  I have dealt with them.  These seed banks are not meant to be 'free' seed stores for hobby growers unfortunately.  They will reach out to you repeatedly for info and don't just send anyone all the rare stuff they request w/o justification. :)
Oh yeah, the contract you sign electronically is a legally binding contract so you do have to be old enough to sign it and the part about sending them a percentage of any sales produced from their seeds seems to be pretty strictly enforced. I'm not sure how they'd find out but they do have your name and address and everything so I wouldn't want to be caught not paying them what they deserve.
I dunno about that Chris, I read the agreement and have gotten the email with delivery date and everything. I did it last week and yea they wanted a lot of information about how I'd be growing them and climate, conditions, and all that stuff. But that's why I waited to post it until I actually got the email saying they're sending them. You'll get emails saying that you "ordered" stuff, but yea they definitely want information before they actually mail them.

cmpman1974 said:
They want reports back on every variety you grow out.  They are persistent.
Yea I am aware of that, but to me that's not much to do in return for those seeds.
Sounds like fun regardless. I want to record my grow and stuff. Pics, notes, measurements, anything I can do.

Like most here, I don't have the intention to sell or anything. So I'd go for it :D.

Here I am asking all over the world for CGN 20497 and did you order them for me???
Nope. Jeez, dude WTF??? :party: 
Nigel said:
Here I am asking all over the world for CGN 20497 and did you order them for me???
Nope. Jeez, dude WTF??? :party: 
LOL, hell I don't keep up with all the crap you want. Haha, it's not that hard to fill the forms out.
Hey check your texts nigel. I actually did order some CGN 20497

Outlook « Inbox  Message  

Order p53fb455 authorized

Reply ▼ Delete More ▼ 6:28 PMcgn.seedhandling@wur.nlShow details
Dear Michael V. Kelley,Your authorized order for Michael Vincent Kelley, order ID p53fb455 has been approved and is ready for dispatch to delivery address on file. More information about this order:
Customer information:Name: Michael Vincent Kelley
Email: Coheed196@hotmail.com
Delivery address:
Postal code: 35180
City: Warrior
Country: United States of America
Intended use: Growing for personal enjoyment, breeding, conservation of seeds
Authorized Official information
:Name: Michael V. Kelley
E-mail address: Coheed196@hotmail.com
Street address:
Postal code: 35180
City: Warrior
Country: United States of America
Order information:Order date: 11/20/2013 12:25:46 AM
CGN20497: Capsicum cardenasii (SA 267; Ulupica)
CGN21572: Capsicum chacoense 
CGN22083: Capsicum chacoense (281)
CGN17019: Capsicum chinense (1 SCA; PI 257116)
CGN22208: Capsicum galapagoense (AC 1501)
CGN22876: Capsicum tovarii (PI 606708; NMCA 90008)
Dooood, how much crow do I need to eat for you to forgive me enough to send me seeds??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Nope, no Flexuosum to be had
Nigel said:
Dooood, how much crow do I need to eat for you to forgive me enough to send me seeds??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Haha, assuming that they send more than 4 seeds, and whenever they make it to Alabama, I'd have no problem sending you a few
Does anyone know offhand what kind of a cut they want if you intend on selling some of or all of the peppers produced, How about if you save seed and replant? I'm not sure how somthing like this would be enforced (anyone know?).

Sorry for all the questions, but I have not fully read throu the site yet and first hand experience can't hurt :)
RobStar said:
You can also try the USDA's accessions
Might be an easier option
They had c. flexuosum seeds! Two different varieties. I don't know if it's easier. You have to submit your research. I'm doing some on c. flexuosum, so it's no problem.
This part is required:
"Describe your planned research use of this NPGS Germplasm*: 
(Information on your results is expected to be provided at the conclusion of your research)"
It's important to remember that these genebanks were not devised as treasure chests for hobbyists but rather as a bank conserving material for future breeding programmes to develop economic crops.  It is only fair to contribute to the knowledge base as a trade-off for using their material.  Some of them such as CGN are less stringent and require a financial contribution (as well as using the accession name and number) if you use them for gain.  I'm sure they would also want some form of research results.
They are a great resource if one is willing to play by their rules. 
Don't you need to show them an Agriculture import permit (which would necessitate a phytosanitary certificate from Netherlands) before they are willing to send the seed from Netherlands?  I had that issue.  That's why I thought it would be easier for you to acquire them from the USDA instead.
Good luck with the seeds!  There are some real diamonds awaiting discovery in there!