Empty 25 gallon smarty in the GH ... what plant to put in it?

I have an extra 25 gallon smartpot open in my greenhouse and Im trying to decide what to put in there.
I have chocolate bhut, yellow bhut, red bhut, 7 pot red brain strain, and 7 pot yellow plants to choose from.
I already have fatalii going into one 25 gallon smarty and keep going back and forth on what to put in the other. Honestly a plant of any of them will probably produce more pods then I know what to do with in a season... but regardless I gotta fill it with something! lol ...Ive been going back and forth between a red bhut or the red brain strain but Im still not sure what I want to do.
What do you vote and why?
The rest of the greenhouse is as follows:
25 gallon smart pot x 3: Pineapple heirloom tomato, Fatalii, and one extra 25 gallon Im not sure what to put in it  <-- want to fill it with a superhot as mentioned above (currently leaning towards red ghost or red brain strain)
10 gallon smart pot x 2: Cherokee purple tomato, Brandywine OTV tomato < --- (Im tempted to ditch the brandywine and put a choc. bhut in there.)
5 gallon smart pot x 4: Sweet million cherry tomato x 2, Golden treasure sweet pepper x 2
3 gallon smart pot x 4: Jalepeno x 2, neopoleon sweet pepper x 2
Like you said, whatever goes in it will ultimately produce more pods, so it's all about what you like best. I would have said Fatalii, but you've already got that covered ;) . I'm a yellow lover, so my next call would probably be the Yellow 7 Pot, but if you're trying to maximize your heat, probably either Red Brain Strain or Red Bhut, no? Can't go wrong with the Ghost, but in my opinion Red Brain Strain is hotter.
You could do a rooster spur! They are yummmmmmmmmy.

I think they are in the asian annum fam.
WTH is a rooster spur!?
Google here I come lol ...
Im all over the damn place. Now Im considering fatalii, choc bhut, and red brain in the 25's, then getting a couple 15's for the brandywine and pineapple tomatoes, putting the cherokee purple and sweet million cherry tomato in 10's.
Ill change my mind in 5 minutes though ..
I just googled it, looks like an intersting plant. It looks small though like it should go in a 3 gallon or something??
Sounds interesting sure Ill give it a shot in a smaller pot. As for the 25 gallon smarty Im looking for something that will grow into a beast  ;)
Dude, they just keep branching and branching. 25 gal would be a very respectable and well earned home for it. It will put out a thousand pods if you let it.
Oh for beasty plants!? Do a Pumpkin Hab! Tennis ball pods and they are also delish! I doubt anyone has them or has even heard of them. I got them from Hoyt Saxton about 12 years ago. Awesome
Google didnt turn up the right pepper on that search, only real pics I see are from my old postings
Interesting .... You dont happen to have a pic do ya?

Wait ... you said TENNIS BALL sized pods? lol ...
Pepper-Guru said:
Well, the Hoyt Saxton Red Pumpkins are the only ones that I have ever seen let alone grown, so I can tell you, they are the biggest, thickest fleshed, best tasting, most "pumpkinish" looking chinense there is. Deep red color, accompanied by one of the best palette and heat of any pepper out there. I baby these and do my best to keep them pure. I was given the genetics by Hoyt himself. He is a long time pepper guru out of south Atlanta and a close friend. He has been in this game since before anyone even heard of "being a chili head". These plants grow like monsters, they continuously pump out main stalks that appear at first to go straight up with plenty of side branching, BUT then fall down and completely dominate any other plant around it, sort of like a "pepper vine" if you will. Dozens of pods can safely lay on the ground, due to the mere weight, and no critter will even attempt to compromise them. They are the real deal. Here are some at three years aging for sauce, and even through my novice camera ability you can see the signature pod shape and formation.
Nice! I'm trying to upload a pic of my layout off my phone. I'm at work and can't access imageshack from the pc.

Those do look badass! I'm a little concerned with space...let me try to get this pic uploaded
So here is what I was thinking.
The three 25's down the center each with a chinese, two 15's in the back corners with an indeterminant heirloom tomato, two 10's in the front corners - one with a indeterminant cherry type and another with a indeterminant heirloom tomato (it will be cramped in the 10 Im sure)...  and then four 5 gallons containers on the sides in the open spots. From there Ill see how crowded it is I dont want it to be to bad.
The greenhouse is only 8'x16' though so Im not sure if Im kidding myself as far as running out of room. I can prune heavily if need be to keep the plants in check, they will still have a nice large root system to produce plenty of pods. I realize Im a bit backwards on this. Meaning ... the tomatoes could probably make use of the 25 gallon smart pots better then the peppers, but I think Ild rather do the peppers in there anyway.
What do you guys think? You think its going to be ridiculously cramped in there? Am I fooling myself thinking Ill fit that in there? This is my first greenhouse so Im not sure how I want to approach it.