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soil Empire Builder Soil Experiment Part 1

Per the request of those who'd responded to my initial post on the Empire Builder soil:


I am not going to make a glog out of it but I'm curious myself as to what the results will be. On the way back from Napa this last weekend I randomly stopped off in Danville to hit a few local nurseries and picked-up the following for the experiment:


By fuseboxshot at 2012-06-05
From the left: a common bhut, a red caribbean habby and a fatalii.

Frankly, I was kinda blown away to find something of substance at the second nursery that I hit. I wasn't expecting to find these! The fatalii and red hab were $2.00 each. The bhut ran me $6.00.

The bhut is in a 7 gallon grow bag and the habanero and fatalii are in 5 gallon bags... and so it begins!

I for one am kinda skeptical as to what the results will be with any soil claiming "water-only" for a full season but with an ingredient list like that it sure does peak one's curiosity. I'll update accordingly.


By fuseboxshot at 2012-06-05
Pure Empire Builder? Are those the plastic grow bags or are they root pruning ones? Can't wait for the progress.
They're just cheap hydro-store bought black grow bags. I considered using geo-pots but of those I have left I want them for other things. The plastic grow bags are a good way to cover alot of ground for close to $$nothing$$.
I was also informed by the hydro store owner in San Jose about this soil. He stated "It blows ocean floor away." I was skeptical because I had never heard of this soil before and thought he was just trying to push his "in house" brand. I'm very curious to see the results of this experiment.

Glad to see some local nurseries selling super hots. What were the names of them? Only place I found with a decent selection was here in Vacaville.
I got em at Navlet's Garden Center(Danville). They had a few unique things in there. Jimmy Nardello's, Thai uprights that were very-well covered in flowers, two serrano types, the fatalii's and red Caribbean habaneros, hot cherry peppers and a few that I've never heard of that were probably someone's backyard concoction.