heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

Guitarman said:
To me is the Moruga Scorpion, tested by CPI
Oh yeah, that´s certainly a reasonable stance.  I was just trying to say, folks outside of the chile community, many of them haven´t heard of any peppers hotter´n a Ghost.  They think that Bhut Jolokia is the actual hottest chile on Earth, simply b/c they haven´t yet heard otherwise.
Personally, aside from the interesting discussions surrounding the topic, i don´t care which is the hottest.  Relative rank doesn´t matter to me one bit.  I tend to judge each variety based on its own qualities, how I can use it, and what sort of experience I can expect from it.  A Bhut is still a Bhut, whether it´s ranked 1st or 20th or whatever else.  The experience is still the same,  notwithstanding some genetic alterations resulting from its popularity with growers.
sirex said:
Only if people really give a flip.

Which, most of us don't.


I dunno.  I lurked on some pages where folk discussed the Primo / Reaper thing and oh damn some folk were sharpening their pitch forks on both sides.  Then there is the Mr. Duffy vs. Mr. Currie battle.  It is just so very weird.
Why did my topic get moved to the growing forum? I originally put it in the pepper discussion forum. I figured thats where it was supposed to be?
Boris said:
Why did my topic get moved to the growing forum? I originally put it in the pepper discussion forum. I figured thats where it was supposed to be?
Moved it back to Hot Pepper Talk. I'm not sure why it got moved, but now it's in the right place again! :)
I am telling you man, the hottest pepper in the world is A.J.'s Magical Unicorn Toe Pepper.  Oh and I have seven more in reserve just in case someone breaks my current record.
AJ, you have to be one of my favourite folks on here, every post gives you something to think about, or a good laugh, or both.
But, I thought that I might as well throw in my 2c......
Because I don't spread myself out across many forums, sites, social media, etc, my main source for the kind of info that's being discussed here (Primo, alternate record holders, good guys vs bad guys, secret strains, etc etc etc) is threads like this, so I'm not the most informed bloke.
But there is one thing that really sticks out to me with this whole Pepper X business, and that's the strategies being employed by Mr Smokin' Ed. 
He sure as hell is marketing the sh!t outta this, and it all seems very planned. My best guess is that he has obviously signed some contracts with the Hot Ones people, and they get to be the Neil Armstrongs of Planet Pepper X. He has timed it all very well; he applies to Guinness a few months ago, then when its in the pipeline he gradually and suspensefully unveils the new breed, through the Hot Ones videos and that convention thingo. This really drums up the hype and attention, and then he adds in his own official "press" release to keep it all interesting. All the media swarms on it, (with DeJaVu of Dragons breath), social media is buzzing, and we're set to hear the official Guinness results in November (From the horses mouth). What would be amazingly funny to me is if it wasn't actually a record breaker. But I'd say that it most probably is, and Ed knows it, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to this much trouble. The topic will keep buzzing until Guinnesses announcement, and then its time for Ed's wallet to swell, as he sells sauce, seeds, plants, merch, and whatever else he can think of that I can't. He is gonna make some fat stacks out of this for sure, and probably already has started to do so. 
But, that's his job, and that's what his business is - selling hot stuff. If its the hottest stuff in the world, it'll sell more. Reaper is now old news, and I'd imagine that sales, although till relatively high, have dropped a lot over the past few years (pure speculation on my part), and this new strain will send business up into the rafters once again. This current campaign is already looking more intense than the Reaper's, and I'm sure that the profits will mirror in relative intensity. But, like I said, and few others have mentioned, that's Ed's game, and way of putting bread on the table.
And some more 2c....
In line with what has been said about the "rich guy vs cool guy" I'd love to see a Charlie Bucket grower somehow smash the current (or new) record with some backyard project. The chances of it happening are slim, and the chances of the world hearing about it are even slimmer.
But, regardless, here's to the Unicorn Toe!
That's me done for now.......
ThatBlondGuy101, thank you for the compliment.  I do think Pepper X is going to show itself to be legit.  I just can not imagine a person setting himself up for so much egg on his face after a failure.  Yes I do think Mr. Currie is very good at marketing.  In the beginnings of the reaper, I thought it was Pepper Joe who marketed the first reaper seeds.  But the whole Pepper X and Last Dab thing is absolutely amazing.  A hot sauce with a pepper that has not been shown to exist.... wow!

I think that is where some folk get to hating on him.  I don't know that I have the words and I am not saying it is deserved.  Frankly, I wish I had some of those business smarts.  But failing that I will say it is fun to watch how things like this unfold even if it does make my brain convulse trying to understand.
That said, we've already seen a plate of mystery peppers that included the real Pepper X and, apparently, his 5 million odd reserve pepper.
Uggggg...  I have just now grasped the idea of the 'not' peppers.  Which by the way I love.  So now I gotta grasp the idea of 'X' peppers.  Lets see if I am close.  So an X pepper is an unknown cross that is not stable enough to get a name?  Am thinking we would also need some initials to indicate origin and numbers to indicate which pepper x we are talking about.

So help me I am going to get the naming convention figured out and written down so others do not pull out all their hair like i have done.
AJ Drew said:
Uggggg...  I have just now grasped the idea of the 'not' peppers.  Which by the way I love.  So now I gotta grasp the idea of 'X' peppers.  Lets see if I am close.  So an X pepper is an unknown cross that is not stable enough to get a name?  Am thinking we would also need some initials to indicate origin and numbers to indicate which pepper x we are talking about.

So help me I am going to get the naming convention figured out and written down so others do not pull out all their hair like i have done.
Yup, we're screwing the whole thing up!
Guitarman said:
Yup, we're screwing the whole thing up!
Naw more like figuring things out.  Not sure i can think of anything that has risen that is as grass roots as this niche.  Things like stamp or coin collecting all have an authority.  But peppers come from every frigging place, no central authority, just we the people / community thing.  It can be wildly confusing to folk.  Besides if we can come up with convention, we get to create our own terms.  Like this pepper is classified as a butt burner.