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tastes like custard and vaguely of fruit, sort of bad smell. weird texture.
Could use it in a dessert.... strange fruit
Will try it with cream maybe icecream later.
I didn't think it was too yuck smelling it certainly has a vague off/ poo smell, its the texture that freaks me out.
I could eat it all day I just can't work out what with, I wish I was back in restuarants as I would love to put it on a dessert menu.
I think you summed up why I didn't like it too much. :lol: I couldn't get past the poo smell nor the texture. I'm sure that is would be fun to see on a dessert menu.
Its such a fantastic fruit..I had a Singaporean girlfriend for a while...you should have seen my face the first time I ate durian! Funny as! Now i cant get enough of it. Great in a fruit salad mix!. Great fruit!

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Durian is a great tasting fruit. Rich and creamy!

I like the big thai ones the best, they aren't as perfume-ey. The smaller, more orange coloured flesh is really stinky and could take a bit more getting used too :)

Durian makes great ice cream