preservation Drying peppers question

I always say if ya don't know ask. Later on I am thinking about drying peppers with a dehydrator. But if you smoke the pods do you still have to dry them in dehydrator? To get them dry enough to grind up? Also since I am asking I have checked out alot of wood sites of what they do and taste but I have not seen anything on PLUM. Is it okay to use?
Plum should be good for smoking as well as any fruit tree.
Usually its easiest to finish off smoked peppers in the dehydrator unless you have a real good cold smoker or a dry climate.
I never smoked chiles yet but I'd think if you smoked them to a point of being dried you'd had a very heavy smoke flavored chile & you wouldnt taste the chile flavor as much if any ?

as for plum tree use, yes! you can use many trees for smoking besides your basic (tree) woodchips they sell for smoking
i think it would also depend on the thickness of the pod walls, like i think a hab would be easy to get dry all the way thru in a smoker but a thicker walled pepper might need some time in the dehydrator afterwards just to finish it off.
chilehunter said:
I never smoked chiles yet but I'd think if you smoked them to a point of being dried you'd had a very heavy smoke flavored chile & you wouldnt taste the chile flavor as much if any ?

as for plum tree use, yes! you can use many trees for smoking besides your basic (tree) woodchips they sell for smoking
I was wanting to use most of the smoke chillies for a rub or seasoning. Haven't got my chainsaw after the plum tree yet but I got some pecan thats working pretty good.

theHippySeedCo said:
Hey Joe, ive never smoked them but as for drying,, i use to use a dehydrator but they were expensive and consumed lots of electricity. this is what i use to dry all mine, cheap and easy to make

thats a pretty neat lil setup I have to try that later on to make for summer is around the corner.

GrumpyBear said:
i think it would also depend on the thickness of the pod walls, like i think a hab would be easy to get dry all the way thru in a smoker but a thicker walled pepper might need some time in the dehydrator afterwards just to finish it off.

That I didnt think of so if they kinda rubbery ( Iguess thats a word) I put themin the dehydrater for a while I was wanting to see if I can get some real good combinations of pepper powder. Thanks all for keeping me thinking! joe :hell:
theHippySeedCo said:
Hey Joe, ive never smoked them but as for drying,, i use to use a dehydrator but they were expensive and consumed lots of electricity. this is what i use to dry all mine, cheap and easy to make

I can dry 3 quarts of habs on 4 trays in 24 hours or less in my dehydrator. It does have variable heat setting and a forced air blower across the heating coils. It is a Excaliber brand.
Hi WAKOflyer, Yup i have a Fowler Vacola Dehydrator 12 trays but at 500-550 watts, and being an old hippy id prefer to minimalise energy consumption and save greenhouse emmisions and shit like that plus the box is only 90 watts Tops, costs stuff all as its made from recyclable thingys.. Plus as i sell dried chilli's, the Dehydrator Changes the colours of a lot chilli's and they look too crap to sell.

but i do use the dehydrator to crank out a batch of Beef jerky as thats more cost effective than Buying it..
hiya WACOFlyer seen these on ebay wonderd if they where worth the money or not compared to the cheaper ones..thx for the info,looks like using Mr Plastic agin to feed my chillihead hobby :onfire::lol:

I also have an Excalibur and absolutely love it! The model I have has nine trays. So far I have used it to dry some store bought peppers, onions (for onion powder) and jerky. It is by far the best I have ever seen/used. It is incredibly easy to use and clean. The old saying I think is true in this case...You get what you pay for. Well worth every penny in my book.
For best color, flavor and heat retention dehydrate at 125-130°F. It might take 3 or 4 days to dehydrate a thick-walled pod such as C. pubescens or jalapeños for powder.
theHippySeedCo said:
Hi WAKOflyer, Yup i have a Fowler Vacola Dehydrator 12 trays but at 500-550 watts, and being an old hippy id prefer to minimalise energy consumption and save greenhouse emmisions and shit like that plus the box is only 90 watts Tops, costs stuff all as its made from recyclable thingys.. Plus as i sell dried chilli's, the Dehydrator Changes the colours of a lot chilli's and they look too crap to sell.

but i do use the dehydrator to crank out a batch of Beef jerky as thats more cost effective than Buying it..

I saw your drying box on your website - very inventive. I've seen similar plans on the net before, in fact I'd sent a link to bentalphanerd as he was going to do the same. you and he would get on well as he has hippy-like tendancies also. I've got a Harvest Maid 1000watt dehydrator - it does thick sliced jerky in 12 hours and dries pods anywhere from 6-10 hours depending on thickness.

on topic - I've never smoked pods but I believe you can smoke and not dehydrate as they do for chipotles but I think it takes a long time if only smoking.
chilliman64 said:
on topic - I've never smoked pods but I believe you can smoke and not dehydrate as they do for chipotles but I think it takes a long time if only smoking.

Ive Had an Idea (oh No) What if you got Flavoured Wood shavings and put them on Bottom Level of Dehydrator, wonder if they would give that Flavoured taste?

the thicker walled, just put a little nik with a stanley knife to break the skin and allow inner air to escape and they dry Heaps quicker in the dehydrator.

and Yea chilliman64 , Bent is Very cool and we already sending each other stuff lol
theHippySeedCo said:
Ive Had an Idea (oh No) What if you got Flavoured Wood shavings and put them on Bottom Level of Dehydrator, wonder if they would give that Flavoured taste?

the thicker walled, just put a little nik with a stanley knife to break the skin and allow inner air to escape and they dry Heaps quicker in the dehydrator.

and Yea chilliman64 , Bent is Very cool and we already sending each other stuff lol

I think that the wood chips would have to be smoldering or alot of them to give ya the flavor. Now maybe you could mix a weak solution of liquid smoke and spray the pods maybe then that would give a smokey flovor. mmmmmmmmm thats what I use on my jerkey
hey okie
I smoke peppers every year (usually jalapenos) and I use a homemade smoker that takes charcoal. I've tried different woods and found that I like apple the best. I use lump charcoal and cut the apple wood the same day so it's green. I can dry them and grind them to a powder in one day.
If you are dehydrating pods for powder a great trick is to cut in half, carefully remove seeds while leaving as much as possible of placenta and freeze. The freezing ruptures the cell walls and dehydrating will be faster. Air & high temps are detrimental to flavor & heat. Capsaicin gasses off somewhere near 150-155°F I think. Dehydrate cut side up so as to not lose flavorful juices.
theHippySeedCo said:
Ive Had an Idea (oh No) What if you got Flavoured Wood shavings and put them on Bottom Level of Dehydrator, wonder if they would give that Flavoured taste?...

dude I doubt wood chips just sitting in the bottom of the dehydrator will make any difference to the flavour. you could possibly try using a drop or two of 'liquid smoke' on the pods to see what happens... this is one of my thoughts but I've not tried it, I'll leave the action up to one of the more intrepid chileheads.
I cut my peppers in half but leave the seeds in. It helps cut down on the drying time. I then grind them up seeds and all. It makes great chipole powder. If you don't want the smoke flavor just leave out the wood.
chilehunter said:
I never smoked chiles yet but I'd think if you smoked them to a point of being dried you'd had a very heavy smoke flavored chile & you wouldnt taste the chile flavor as much if any ?

This is how traditional chipotles are made, and the strength would depend a lot on the flow of smoke.
Its always a good idea to cut the peppers open(not necessarily in half) whether you deseed or not. Not only does it cut down on the drying time, but you'll find the odd nasty one that looks fine on the outside.