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dried Dried Bhut Jolokia

its amazing how hot those seeds can be, one time just from handling a single dried bhut seed I touch my face to wipe a bit of sweat under my eye on my cheek and it burned for 10minutes lol
I have never heard of or seen a 3 ounce bhut jolokia pod, especially dried...thats extremely heavy for a bhut...74 gms...no way Jose...

are you sure you didn't mean 25gms?
I think someone used the new math they teach in school these days 25oz / 8 pods.

I'll use old math, the largest pod was a bit larger than my thumb up to the joint; if you have never read the story about why our cars and roads are the size they are, its a funny read - all based on a horses ass.

.... just a quick update, I now have 72 seeds planted and on a hot plate, the seeds had been soaking overnight and I selected the seeds that still looked white/yellow versus the carmel colour that many took on, guess I'll update this in a few weeks.
The company is probably Frieda's and the size is probably .25oz or 1/4 oz. 25 ounces of dried Bhut pods would be a whole lotta pods. Way more than 8. Here is their site. Just trying to keep the value of Bhuts up. :lol:
Are the pods even ripe? I've had dried bhuts many years ago from Assam and I believe they were picked green and likely were dried in the hot sun
This is a good point as you might end up with immature seeds which will not germinate. One way to tell if the seeds are immature is to try and germinate the seeds by rapping them in a moist paper towel and if after a week or so they appear to have a "fish mouth" appearance and ultimately do not germinate (more about fish mouth at themedicinalpepper.com). Another issue is that with the store bought seeds you have no idea if the parent plant self fertilized or outcrossed with another to produce a hybrid (F1). If the plant selfed or outcrossed with another bhut then your all set, but if the outcrossing was with another variety or species then you will definitely not get a pure bhut to develop. At any rate it might make for an interesting plant and pod.