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Dragons harvest stealing pics

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I noticed that Neil(thsc) had some issues with this Dragon's harvest guy stealing pics and acting like an a-hole when confronted, then I found he was stealing my pics as well as any others he could use to sell his seeds. After asking him to properly link my pics this was his resonse

"Dragons Harvest Pepper Seeds wrote: "I got this randomly from the internet, How am I supposed to link it if thousands of people have it posted? This is the internet, If you do not like sharing information, pictures, knowledge etc. GET OFF THE INTERNET!"

""Picture taken by crying bitch! Is that how to link it?"

here was his response to Neil
"Actually, I do not want your seeds. You are not hippies at all! I went to college in Humboldt and know what hippies are about. You do not want anyone to use your pictures. You simply aimed a camera at a plant and took a picture, did you not learn to share as a child? You have pictures of YouTube logos, Facebook Etc. And use other peoples stuff yet you do not share yours. LOL. You are the opposite of a hippie. To bad you did not protect your seeds, but it would not protect them in the US anyway. Anyone can sell them in the US, READ THE LAW. It is to late to get a PVP as you have sold them. You have the right to be Jewish but do not call yourself hippies call yourself selfish or greedy, and boasters.

You are not supposed to tell people about your charity, as what you are doing is then marketing, not charity, If not then why do you post it on your site? To sell more products?= Marketing. To appear charitable?= Marketing! No reason to do it other than marketing. Corporate sellouts! BAA like the sheep you are, BAA!

Alex Beum, Dragons Harvest"

Now his facebook page appear to be down, but I'd still like to have my pics removed from his site. Does anybody know how to go about doing this?
I noticed that Neil(thsc) had some issues with this Dragon's harvest guy stealing pics and acting like an a-hole when confronted, then I found he was stealing my pics as well as any others he could use to sell his seeds. After asking him to properly link my pics this was his resonse

"Dragons Harvest Pepper Seeds wrote: "I got this randomly from the internet, How am I supposed to link it if thousands of people have it posted? This is the internet, If you do not like sharing information, pictures, knowledge etc. GET OFF THE INTERNET!"

""Picture taken by crying bitch! Is that how to link it?"

here was his response to Neil
"Actually, I do not want your seeds. You are not hippies at all! I went to college in Humboldt and know what hippies are about. You do not want anyone to use your pictures. You simply aimed a camera at a plant and took a picture, did you not learn to share as a child? You have pictures of YouTube logos, Facebook Etc. And use other peoples stuff yet you do not share yours. LOL. You are the opposite of a hippie. To bad you did not protect your seeds, but it would not protect them in the US anyway. Anyone can sell them in the US, READ THE LAW. It is to late to get a PVP as you have sold them. You have the right to be Jewish but do not call yourself hippies call yourself selfish or greedy, and boasters.

You are not supposed to tell people about your charity, as what you are doing is then marketing, not charity, If not then why do you post it on your site? To sell more products?= Marketing. To appear charitable?= Marketing! No reason to do it other than marketing. Corporate sellouts! BAA like the sheep you are, BAA!

Alex Beum, Dragons Harvest"

Now his facebook age appear to be down, but I'd still like to have my pics removed from his site. Does anybody know how to go about doing this?
contact weebly- check copyright rules though.

Your photos are really nice.
best way to stop this kind of thing is to put a watermark or logo in the picture. This guy wants to sell seeds but is too lazy or incompetent to take his own pictures, he also seems to have an attitude problem. Buy from him and you can expect to be treated in the same way.
This guy sounds like a real piece of work...

I have a feeling he won't be selling many seeds around here (not that he would have anyway lol).
best way to stop this kind of thing is to put a watermark or logo in the picture. This guy wants to sell seeds but is too lazy or incompetent to take his own pictures, he also seems to have an attitude problem. Buy from him and you can expect to be treated in the same way.

Yes but its too late for watermarking now, the pics have been all over the net for years now. I started watermarking all my new pics but I generally don't post many new pics anymore, it just causes conflict and anger which I just don't need.
The best insurance your photos will not be used is to keep them below 800 piixels per side for web posting.
Watermarks are as easy to remove as they are to put on.
If it's really annoying you, copyright infringement is actionable and pretty easy to prove with digital media....that would certainly focus the dude.
Dunno the legal aspect but what a ridiculously douchey response to a reasonable request. . Antisemetism, hostility and aggression. Fascinating that anyone could be in business with this kind of crappy attitude.
i don't know about you, but if someone just asked and gave me credit before using the photo i don't think id be bothered...unless i ran a seed site or something of that nature. but that dudes attitude really is unfortunate. its funny how unnecessarily belligerent and confrontational people are behind a keyboard. something tells me if you tapped on this guys shoulder at a bar and talked to him about these photos the tone the conversation would be much different.

he really should know that you do not have to register photos in order to be protected by copyright.

if you are really bothered by this, you could always doctor up some phony law firm letterhead and send him a cease and desist or some such thing via certified first class mail. :rofl:
"Actually, I do not want your seeds. You are not hippies at all! I went to college in Humboldt and know what hippies are about.
Funny - I went to college in Humboldt County too. Believe me - this is a compliment. The people I went to college with weren't hippies - my parents were hippies. They went to Vietnam protests in the 60s and dad played drums in bands at UC Berkeley.

Humboldt hippies are about going to college on mommy & daddy's dime, ceasing to bathe and instead dousing oneself in patchouli oil to fend off the 4-day funk.

Regardless, I don't see what being a hippy or a Jew has to do with your polite request to properly cite the source from whence he poached the photos.

The hippy part just sounds holier than thou, and the Anti-Semitic part just sounds like good old fashioned racism. There's a little irony there too, partly because some hippies in Humboldt are Jewish, but mainly because the hippies I knew weren't blatant racists. You know, peace and love and Ben & Jerry's and all that? :crazy:
Wow, I hope this issue gets resolved! What a extremely rude and lazy person. You could of had just taken legal action in the first place instead of kindly messaging him and asking him to credit your photos, but of course being a human being with a good soul you messaged him first. All he had to do was put your name under the photo. It sounds like he's a kid who grew up with the internet his whole life. Sharing is great and wonderful, but how I grew up there is a time for sharing and there is a time for business. This kid needs a good kick in the pants, or a legal issue to be brought up about what he's doing so he can "wake up". Though your pictures were not watermarked, copyright is a huge issue and major companies have been destroyed because of something as small as taking pictures from other sources and not properly giving them credit.

Understandable if you don't want to bring this issue up legally, but thank you for posting this situation here. Hopefully new people coming onto the THP see this and know not to buy from that site/person if they somehow stumble upon it.
I didn't even ask him to remove the pics. I asked him to properly use the link to my copyrighted flickr pic where I have photo credits and I can remove the pic if I feel the need.
I just looked at the weeby site's Notification of copyright Infringement and it seems quite complicated with lots of big words
Yeah - that's the part that's ridiculous to me. You were totally reasonable about it and not demanding anything - just asking them to cite the source. Really basic and kind of an obvious request really. That they responded with such overt hostility tells you they know they screwed up and just lack the backbone to give you a "my bad" and properly credit you.

The lamest thing about that response was "How am I supposed to link it if thousands of people have it posted?" Uh, easy - you just told him how to link it. :crazy:
man that sucks... the same thing happened to me a couple years back... some new local fish store stole my coral pics for his website... i'm fortunate to be able to drive over and resolve it the day i found out...

report him to everything you can... try to get other forums to IPban him...?¿¿
I dont think that he will sell much anyways with a site that looks like that....Weebly will handle him if you email them.
I didn't even ask him to remove the pics. I asked him to properly use the link to my copyrighted flickr pic where I have photo credits and I can remove the pic if I feel the need.
I just looked at the weeby site's Notification of copyright Infringement and it seems quite complicated with lots of big words

try this

dmca takedowns are really common, i would not be suprised if you could do this without much hassle.

edit btw, have you seen his google+ account? more pictures there... id link to it, but i dont want to bump up its google listing.
BTW this thread is listed when you google dragons harvest beffore the actual dragons harvest weebly site. so thats something...
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