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Double thanks to sicman for peppers and hilarity

First, thanks sic for the box of pain.  Second, thanks for the shock, and laughter yesterday afternoon.
Last week sic sent a box of pain to my dad's house for me, because packages tend to get stolen from my place.  I wasn't able to get out to my dad's until yesterday for father's day, and I found this bundle of joy there:

Now, my dad has a Thai girlfriend and she's always wanting "spicy" food.  She's friends with a Thai restaurant owner here, and they are very wary about preparing dishes for the average customer the way they'll prepare it for her.  After being able to handle the Thai dishes fairly well, I think she put the owner on a mission to try and make me cry (I don't have nearly the tolerance that the majority of people on here have either).  I've told her a number of times about superhots and peppers spicier than the average pepper in Thailand, and she pretends to know what I'm talking about and gets a little cocky about her heat tolerance (you know, cause 'merikanz don't eat spicy food).
When I opened the box of goodies from sic, I told my dad that the tiniest pepper in that box would have his girlfriend in tears.  He called her from the other room, told her to come see this, didn't say what though.  So she walked into the room sees the box and exclaims "Chilis!".  Proceeds to grab one and in slow motion I watched her bite into 3/4th of the pepper.  I couldn't physically make myself say NOOOOO, all I could do was  :shocked: as my jaw hit the floor.  She didn't even bite the piece off, just sunk her teeth into it before profanity was being thrown about, tears were coming, she ran into the bathroom to run her mouth under the faucet.  All the while I've still got the same exact expression on my face as when she first bit into it.  I felt a little bad, since my dad never had milk or much of anything in his house, and I was doing my best to hold back laughter.  Luckily I brought donuts over and told her to eat a boston creme and chase it with a chocolate protein shake.... 
So double thanks to sic for the swag and the entertainment.  
picturing the slow-motion...... "NOOOOoooooooo---" reaching for the hot chile...but not in time..... :lol:

Thanks for the giggle! And I bet the lovely lady has a new respect for hot chiles!

And that is a very nice looking box-o-pods!