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preservation Dehydrating Hot peppers

I have several Bhut pods I want to dehydrate in a dehydrator. How long does it take? Do you just put the whole pepper in stem and all? Or do you cut the stem off? How do you know when it is done dehydrating? How do you store them once they are dry?

Sorry for all the questions..but I'm a beginner here and want to do it right the first time.
I suggest you destem and cut them lenghwise.
most likely use will be flakes or powder so no stem is good.
I leave the seeds and dry them overnight in my dehydrator but they all seem to have different settings so that will be a thing you figure out but I have been told (and it makes sence) to go a little cooler and longer than go hot and short.

just like sex.....

when done a simple push test is all that is needed to see if they are dry .
I push on one and if it feels like rubber its not dry if it shatters your done.

I then fill a pepper grinder with peppers and a few peppercorns and its perfect for soup ect.
I believe if you want to store the seeds for future growing, you'll be wanting to take the seeds out before dehydrating. If not, leave the seeds in, and take out later, means more of the placental tissue will remain in tact (meaning MORE HEAT) ;)
That's true, seeds dried in a dehydrator won't germinate anymore.

I'd also suggest to cut them lengthwise with or without seeds. I'd only dry small and thin walled chilis like Bird's Eye as whole pods. Cutting them to pieces will reduce the time you need thus the usage of power.
Thanks! I'm not saving the seeds for next year, i just want to save as much heat and flavor as possible. I'm hoping to use several of them in a chili cook off this fall.
I dry many of my pods whole but I do cut them open a bit. Keep the dry pods in an airtight container in the dark, and if making powders, only grind up what you need right away.
Hey chili,,,I had 100% germination this year with dehy`d seeds.I had better luck than with seeds bought.Yes cutting into pcs will make life quicker but the house will be like a chemical spill.When I do habs my kitchen is no mans land.lol
I just collected seeds from dehydrated pods and was hoping to use them next year. Will they germinate or did I screw up?
Hey andres i`m no expert but I`ve got 2 dorset nagas and 13 asst habs that were all dehey`d last winter by me and are now going nuts.I just dehy`d and then put them in a plain open envelope in the fridge and allowed the cold and slight moisture to keep them dorment.I`m doing again now as for next year.