hybrid Cross Talk

Mr. Hill said:
Here is two more pods off the same plant and a new pic of the first one.


Thats sum crazy good stuff right there!   Wicked pods.    Do they have any color yet?
So many cool looking pods. That Black Super Hot is amazing. Ummm, do we know who the parents are? Or is it a secret?
Hey Chris (cmpman1974) glad to see you're still hanging in there man, tried eating your chocolate Bhut x yellow 7 pod with chocolate traints now at F8 just had a 1/3 of it  Damn was it hot , for awhile there I lost my Mojo and went into panic mode, but as you can see I lived through it.   It did bring a tear to my eye and made me foam at the mouth like a mad dog for a while when I was drinking some
milk, damn that hurt.
Lots of lovely chilies, but is this a chinense only topic ?  :confused:
If so, you better report this post, because here is my peach coloured baccatum  ;)

Aji Benito X Blondie F2. Selected for pale colour and round "stuffable" shape. Heat level near Blondie (earlier reported heat near Aji Benito, but more tastings has conviced me it is hotter).
PepTalk said:
Thats sum crazy good stuff right there!   Wicked pods.    Do they have any color yet?
No not yet,, I put am emptied tea bag over two flowers to keep bugs out now, I have two pods that should be self pollinated that are just starting to grow!!!   I just hope it's not to late in the year, but should be no frost till clove to Nov here.   
Thank's I have tried about 20 Choc TS crosses and still haven't had one take, the last few days I tried finding flowers about 10 am that are getting ready to open to use I just hope the pollen from the flower doesn't self as I have seen some pollen fly when taking off the stamens, but removing the stamens off what I think is a day before the flower should open hasn't worked. :)  
No idea, it was a Thai Sun. 3 of the 4 plants grew true and all seeds came from same pod. Still unsure how the ^%*(&* that happens but it looks similar to black and purple jalapenos that I grow but flowers are not the same.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
No idea, it was a Thai Sun. 3 of the 4 plants grew true and all seeds came from same pod. Still unsure how the ^%*(&* that happens but it looks similar to black and purple jalapenos that I grow but flowers are not the same.
Well, damn, it is nice. Please save seed and let us know if it breeds true.