fertilizer Crazy Psychotic Homeowners Association or What Fertilizer to use?

I hate my HOA with the passion of 10 burning suns. I didn't pay their dumbass fine and then the filed to foreclose on my house for not paying the fine. Yes FORECLOSE. So, I had to get a lawyer blah blah blah long story short I have no desire to do that again. EVER
We had a shepherds hook up in the backyard and they told us they could see it so we had to take it down. Again, there must be some 7 foot tall people walking around here that I've never seen in order for them to see it. 
I bought this house when I was 20 and didn't know any better. I hope to move in the next couple of years. 

filmost said:
If you can't keep a compost bin, might I suggest a bokashi bucket or two? You collect your kitchen/yard waste in the bucket and layer with bokashi mix, then once it is full you let it ferment for a couple of weeks, then bury the contents in your yard to break down completely.
Also I use a liquid fermented kelp extract that smells a bit like soy sauce as is, but is unnoticeable once diluted.
I had not even considered Bokashi! I can even do that in my house. Let me see if I can get my Oma to go along with it and not throw it out cause it's rotting lol. 
My old association was that bad... never ever again shall I live with one. They were so bad they had to have a sheriff start coming to their meetings because they received so many threats from homeowners for their douchebaggery. 
D3monic said:
My old association was that bad... never ever again shall I live with one. They were so bad they had to have a sheriff start coming to their meetings because they received so many threats from homeowners for their douchebaggery. 
Petty...empowered....dictators. Little tyrants with a self-appointed scepter
ah, HOAs...one of the smallest form of governments and often the most tyrannical.
Fortunately for me my HOA is rural and consists of the neighbors on my backwoods road...neighbors whom we are in cahoots with anyway.  It's actually preferred to have one here because they set livestock limits per acre and determine things like keeping whatever number of junk cars in your yard.  I would much rather have my neighbors determine this instead of our money grubbing county who would set low limits and high fines.
Also, horse compost that isn't still hot has absolutely no smell.
We searched for 11 months to find a home that wasn't in an HOA.  I'm free to do what I want in my house.  Not sure why Americans willingly subject themselves to another form of govt with HOAs.  Having the  NSA, CIA, and FBI surveillancing us is more than enough, I don't need nosy neighbors or HOAs to butt into my business at my home.
My property management / HOA is full of feminine hygiene products that one might buy on a summers eve...
I went to them to complain about some gang bangers that tipped a porta poty in front of my house, they wrote me up for a flat tire on one of my cars...
I ended up putting the porta poty back up and reporting the HOA to the city for allowing the fluids to go down the storm drain.
I believe they got fined :P  Carma's bitch isn't it!
Im sure you pay HOA dues and they at least you go to an actual HOA.  I pay $120 a month deed restriction fees that dont even get me access to the pool, thats another $80 a month.  This money goes well in the developers pockets.  To keep the country club members happy I prefer to go this route, 1 of 8 on the box :)  Just got its spring cleaning and my compost pile loved it.


Wow, you guys have crappy HOAs. Mine is great with a few inconvenient letters for leaving my boat in the driveway. I'd much rather have that than a bunch of RVs and boats littered all over the place. 
Koreansoul said:
My HOA is literally batshit crazy. I know from planting some trees that I can't use fish emulsion (I was fined by thte HOA for the smell - yeah seriously).  Do you guys have any suggestions for something that I can fertilize my peppers with that 
1) Is organic 
2) Does not stink (I'll get fined again) 
I know there are a lot of great options out there but I don't want to buy it only to find out the smell is going to set my HOAs douche bag alert off. I can't even have a compost bin here. I had one hidden in my back yard but these people with no lives saw it. I have no idea HOW unless they climbed my fence but I had to get rid of it. 
On a side note - HOAs are run by Satan's minions. They've foreclosed on four peoples homes here for unpaid fines or fees. 
Although this isn't a immediate fix for  fert needs, it may work for you in the near future.
....and they look happy using it too !
my county dictates what we can or cant do, so far not so bad, but i am out in the boonies with a pop of 100 people, 6 of which leave near me and cant own a chicken, i have to have 10 acre's of land to own a chicken. i only have 1 acre, but if i was in the city,pop 240,000 people and a 1/4 acre of land i can own 6 chickens. but horse or cow manure do not stink if its dry, also good ol compost is great to, but that can stink if you are composting on your property.