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annuum Couple of Hab & jalapeno's questions ( and cooking questions )

Ok I have a bunch of questions regarding Habaneros and jalapeno's.

First the stupid questions?

I used to be able to eat whole hot peppers but not lately any more and I would like to know how I can train my mouth & stomic so I can eat the whole again?

I also when I start cooking with habaneros if I don't want much heat what do I do? For an example when I cook my BBQ sauce again it called for 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper for a warmth taste but I want the warm th stay the same but last longer, So do I only want to use a half of a Habanero or even less the half?
"I used to be able to eat whole hot peppers but not lately any more and I would like to know how I can train my mouth & stomic so I can eat the whole again?"
Jump right in and eat them. Tolerance will build.
imaguitargod said:
"I used to be able to eat whole hot peppers but not lately any more and I would like to know how I can train my mouth & stomic so I can eat the whole again?"
Jump right in and eat them. Tolerance will build.
Hell I used to have 2-3 whole hot peppers on my sub way sandwiches and the people looked at me weird and now I can only have about 2-3 hand full of the chopped up kind.

I've heard your taste buds die and sometimes your stomic loses certain tolerances.
PhatManDerek said:
Hell I used to have 2-3 whole hot peppers on my sub way sandwiches and the people looked at me weird and now I can only have about 2-3 hand full of the chopped up kind.

I've heard your taste buds die and sometimes your stomic loses certain tolerances.

How old are you?
Could be. I'm 40 and can actually handle them (hot peppers) better than when I was younger. I can eat a raw hab with stuff now. I can eat just a raw pepper but that is harsh. While I can handle the heat I just prefer them with other food.

I still can';t get used to the fiery exit though.
Worlok, I know what you mean and it sucks, I was able to mow down on the Doritos Habenero chips a handful at a time, Those least were hot and not mildly warm.
imaguitargod said:
Remember, if you don't jkeep your tolerance up, it will decrese with time.
Really, I didn't know that?

worlok said:
I just ate a curry that could take the paint off a battle ship. Man am I gonna pay up tomorrow. :onfire:
Haha then market it and produce it as paint thinner for battle ships, then you can say "I sank your battleship"

PhatManDerek said:
Well dang I didn't know that!

Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
PhatManDerek said:
I used to be able to eat whole hot peppers but not lately any more and I would like to know how I can train my mouth & stomic so I can eat the whole again??

like has been said, eat more hot chiles or sauce, the tolerance will build backup.

PhatManDerek said:
I also when I start cooking with habaneros if I don't want much heat what do I do? For an example when I cook my BBQ sauce again it called for 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper for a warmth taste but I want the warm th stay the same but last longer, So do I only want to use a half of a Habanero or even less the half?

some chiles have a in your face heat - hot, fast & quick - then the burn only lasts a short time, while some have a burn thats a good burn & lasts longer.
if you dont want too much heat you can gut the chile & only use the outer layer, most of the heat is inside on that tissue membrane.

PhatManDerek said:
I was able to mow down on the Doritos Habenero chips a handful at a time, Those least were hot and not mildly warm.

yes those are MILD! not hot!

imaguitargod said:
Remember, if you don't jkeep your tolerance up, it will decrese with time.

so true.

imaguitargod said:
Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

:lol: GIJOE, go joe :lol:
chilehunter said:
like has been said, eat more hot chiles or sauce, the tolerance will build backup.

some chiles have a in your face heat - hot, fast & quick - then the burn only lasts a short time, while some have a burn thats a good burn & lasts longer.
if you dont want too much heat you can gut the chile & only use the outer layer, most of the heat is inside on that tissue membrane.

yes those are MILD! not hot!

so true.

:lol: GIJOE, go joe :lol:
Why did you think I laughed when I heard that phrase, I grew up on GI.joe, I still like destro & cobra commander IMO :)
that should be interesting to see how they put that movie together.
for some reason I see a updated version being a rambo type movie shooting & blowing stuff up, then turning to a kid & say something really corny & stupid... & now you know & knowing is half the battle.

& where the heck is a new goonies movie ? thats due for a remake!
chilehunter said:
& where the heck is a new goonies movie ? thats due for a remake!

God i hope they don't try that, they'd screw it up for sure. Then i'd have to stab someone.

Goonies is a damned classic!