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Continued 2011 Progress

Decided to start a new thread. Mostly I was tired of 'experiment'.

After wind, rain, horrible temperature fluctuations that defined May, June has made the garden beautiful again.


It's taken a lot more work than I was ready for, but the roots have finally started going deeper into the soil and the plants are growing again. A month ago they were sad and withering away and 2 actually died. 1 other vanished.

I'm finally getting pods in now too!

Indian PC

Giant Jalapeno

Very thing Purple Jolokia loaded with flowers

This was labelled a Bhut Jolokia Brown, but the leaves and pod tell another story.

Some Sweet Cayennes coming in as well.

Next post will focus on the deck buckets.
Here's the buckets (excluding the 4 currently in quarantine after discovering a couple rogue aphids.

My Butch T is coming along beautifully.

But even better is the Red Scorpion. He's just about waist high in the bucket. As has quite a thick stem on him.


My Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon. Not very tall (only about 13 inches) but incredibly bushy. Excuse the awkward angle for the above shot. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Plus, I think I had my phone upside down. Whoops.

My Chile De Arbol currently in quarantine. But he's loading up with pods.

Another Chile de Arbol podding up.

And lastly, my Bhut Jolokia that I collected seeds from last year. We'll see if he crossbread.

First pod!

Looking forward to get more pods soon!
I had a similar May here in Oregon. My bhuts got totally shredded my torrential rains Your superhots look really nice.
Thanks folks.

t0mato - I had some plants get shredded too. The rain flooded the garden and 65mph winds sent my nylon greenhouse into the garden on its side because I forgot to close it. Thank goodness that June has been more kind!
Does your greenhouse have a brand? I've been thinking about buying one for the yard when the weather gets cooler.
I never knew the brandname, as it was a christmas gift and the box and directions never said much. But I did see ones that look just like it going for around $60 on Amazon. It did its job well, that's for sure.
A week later and a good bit of rain that's prevented my epsom salt and calcium spray, but my plants haven't seemed to mind a whole lot.

The deck:

Moved them into rows so I can spread them out a little more. Only problem is that my dogs like to take the tour as well. The back right doesn't do my tower of a red scorpion justice.

You can see my ButchT in the back since I found aphids and eggs all over him. Picked a few babies today but he's nearly clear and has a spider friend making a home out of him.

The Garden:

They've grown a ton this past week. Quite a few are podding up and branching off.


Only issue I'm facing is some are branching off but not up as much. Lately some are growing upwards, I'm assuming because they're running out of room on the sides. The average C. Chinese is about 13-16 inches tall and the C. Annums average around 20. I'm thinking the hard clay soil could be to blame since they've improved greatly in the past month after adding the gypsum.

Been quite the up and down year so far.
A little pepper porn to ease tensions...

Indian PC

Roughed up Purple Jolokia

Chile De Arbol


Sweet Cayenne

Yellow 7pot

Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon

And closing with a view I love of my Red Scorpion
Been a while since I last updated but things have gone wonderfully despite my dog diggin up and crushing numerous plants.

Nearly every plant has started podding up save a few. But it won't be too much longer til they start as well.

Bhut Jolokia, Purple Jolokia, Indian Carbon, Carr. Red, Bhut Brown, Red Scorp. (Red scorp hit 36 inches tall today.)

Too many to name off. Red Hab, Dorset Naga, Lemon Drop, Chile de Arbol, Bombay Morich, and others are in this patch.

Yellow 7Pod (has had issues), Jalabenero, Red Savina, Butch T Scorp. (Butch T is around 26 inches tall or so.)

On to the peppers!

Carr. Red

Indian Carbon

Bhut Jolokia (I believe)

Chile de Arbol

Butch T

Purple Jolokia
The garden is where most of the doggy damage has been done. I've had a hard time keeping the little one out of there. But the plants are troopers and are still going fairly well.


These sweet cayennes are getting massive. And are delicious.

But the mystery of the garden is this guy labelled as Bhut Jolokia Brown and it's clearly not. Looks like C. annum leaves and a weird pepper. Haven't tried one but we'll see when it ripens what it may be.
Your plants are stool looking great. Those cayennes look delicious, and your Butch T has a nice stinger too.
great looking plants. looks like you're going to have a big harvest this year. good luck with the rest of the season. love the dog :)