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container Container Question

Ok 1 more question and I think I will be all set for summer :)
My G/f's Hair Salon was gonna throw out these buckets so she
thought they would be good for me to use for my Chile Plants.
There are 13 inches deep and 9 inches wides.The are either
4 or 5 gallon sized. Good enough for me to use when the plants
get moved outdoors for the summer??I already have drainage holes drilled in them
5 on bottom and 1 on each side near bottom.Any help would be great!!

Great Thanks Potawie Hmmmmmmm if they keep throwin them out maybe a nice paint job or decorations....Hmmmmm maybe theres someway to "market" Them.??:lol:But on the hair maybe when she cuts my hair I will save some but god no what and who knows goes into her shop:lol:But good to hear they will work great plus with the soil I think they will be heavy enough so the future puppy(Gunner will be his name and hopefully by May we will have picked a breeder and litter)wont be able to knock them over!
google informs me there are 231 cubic inches in a gallon... you crazy americans...
9*9*13/231 = 4.6 gallons
sounds perfect!
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Great Thanks Potawie Hmmmmmmm if they keep throwin them out maybe a nice paint job or decorations....Hmmmmm maybe theres someway to "market" Them.??:lol:But on the hair maybe when she cuts my hair I will save some but god no what and who knows goes into her shop:lol:

They didn't have any nasty chemicals in them, did they?

But good to hear they will work great plus with the soil I think they will be heavy enough so the future puppy(Gunner will be his name and hopefully by May we will have picked a breeder and litter)wont be able to knock them over!

I just wanted to say how much I admire the fact that you're being so careful in selecting a breeder. Too many people treat breeding as a business and the dogs as commodities; a good breeder is a real jewel.
GrumpyBear said:
google informs me there are 231 cubic inches in a gallon... you crazy americans...
9*9*13/231 = 4.6 gallons
sounds perfect!

Imperial or US gallons?

1Gal Imp = 4.55L
1Gal US = 3.79L


I too am glad you are putting a lot of thought into the purchase of a dog. With my wife's business (dog daycare) we too often see owners who don't pick an appropriate breed for their lifestyle, or who believe they are getting a certain breed/cross breed, and end up with a mongrel bas***d because they NEVER got to interact with either the bitch or dog. If possible make sure to meet both so you can gauge the temperament of the puppy better.

Also remember a good canine citizen is well socialised and trained. Enjoy your dog when you get it!

Thanks everyone for the info.As far as what was in the buckets it was laundry detergent but I plan on cleaning them out well before I plant in them.As for the pup search yes I agree I plan on alot of research on the breeders and their dogs as well a price color temperment etc etc.This pup will be a hunter but unlike some people he will be a family member and friend 1st and foremost!!Cant wait until the 1st time he steals a sock:lol:!!Even have his full AKC name ready..Gunners Rusty RiverDrifter aka Gunner.
HPFF, my wife works at a hair salon too and she said that they throw the same buckets away also. She's now going to grab them for me. Thanks for the idea and pic so I could show her.
They look really good but definitely don 't forget to wash them well. We throw some 2 liter container out that had a soap type material they were perfect for my 2nd potting next will be the 4 to 5 gallon and the garden with some raised beds.
Well I did run into a "problem. Asked g/f if she could get any more she said nope :lol: I have 2 large 3 gallon tins (while line with plastic bags) and those 4 buckets so that leaves me short 11 short :lol: might have to check resturant dumpsters :lol: j/k yuck lol
This pup will be a hunter but unlike some people he will be a family member and friend 1st and foremost!!

opps what i meant with that statement is I go to a hunting dog forum and I see alot of "3yr old gsp or 4 yr old setter I have no more room for in the outside kennel and i have more pups ready to move in" or "lab for sale dog doesnt retrieve like i want" ugh man why even get a dog they are not tools well in my opinion anyway I just didnt want to come over as a d*ck lol :lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
This pup will be a hunter but unlike some people he will be a family member and friend 1st and foremost!!

opps what i meant with that statement is I go to a hunting dog forum and I see alot of "3yr old gsp or 4 yr old setter I have no more room for in the outside kennel and i have more pups ready to move in" or "lab for sale dog doesnt retrieve like i want" ugh man why even get a dog they are not tools well in my opinion anyway I just didnt want to come over as a d*ck lol :lol:

I agree! I have had some friends that believe that their dogs are tools and when they can't or wont "perform" they trade them in. I just never could figure that out. Then again, when I trained and worked with horses, I also bonded with them too. They became part of the family, each with their own personalities.
My wife just called from work and she said that they get those containers for laundry soap too. The owner gets them at Sam's Club. I told her we are going to have to go to Sam's Club and buy several containers of soap and a small trash can to store it all in so that I can have the containers. Of course, she said h*ll no! I'm foiled again by the logical one...:lol:
You know, they used to make cheap trash cans about that size at Walmart.

You might also ask around for friends and neighbors who buy cat litter in bins like that.