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container Container Pepper Growers - What Do You Do?

For all of the people out there who grow your peppers in containers, I would like to hear some of the things that you do.

1. What soil mixture do you use?
2. How do you account for calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus needs? Specifically, what do you add, and at what times during the season?
3. What is your watering schedule and how much do you water at a given time?
4. Do you do foliar supplementation with epsom salts or some kind of bloom booster, or anything else?
5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?
6. Oh yeah, what size and style pots do you use?

I am asking everyone's opinion because, even though I am doing very well this year, I might want to fine tune some things next year. For example, I am using 1/3 generic potting soil, 1/3 sand, and 1/3 chesapeake blue soil enhancer which contains crab shells to provide calcium. In my area, crabs are a bit endangered this year, and I might want to use a different source of calcium, so I might be looking to change my soil mixture for next year. I used a fish emulsion organic fertilizer for the first half of the season, then I used Miracle Gro Bloom Booster for some of the second half of the season. I would like some advice about fertilization, since I have heard that it's bad to give pepper plants nitrogen once they begin to flower and set fruit. I have been using the 3 gallon cheap black nursery pots, and I might want to get some bigger pots next year. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and I'm sorry if I was too long-winded with this post.
Steve973 said:
1. What soil mixture do you use?
2. How do you account for calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus needs? Specifically, what do you add, and at what times during the season?
3. What is your watering schedule and how much do you water at a given time?
4. Do you do foliar supplementation with epsom salts or some kind of bloom booster, or anything else?
5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?
6. Oh yeah, what size and style pots do you use?

1. Half potting soil, half topsoil
2. Fert every 2 weeks at 1/2 to 2/3 suggested rate
3. Moisture meter, or whenever they look like they will die
4. Yes on the epsom salts
5. Watch them every hour or so and completely freak out at the sight of anything peculiar
6. I use 12 inch pots and 5 gallon buckets all with holes drilled all over in the bottom of them
Next year, I will avoid them like a plague. The 25 or so I will grow in pots will be buried in dirt, all the way to the top of the container.

Last year, we had like 27 straight days of 90 degreees or higher temps, and a few days in triple digits, plus zero rain. The plants in the dirt did great. The past couple of weeks, the temps have been in the low 80's to low 90s and I have to water them every day.

I swear, while looking at them, I hear these voices - set me free!

1. Potting soil, vermiculite, sand
2. Biobizz fertilizers with every watering. Details: http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=6642
3. A little each or every 2nd day, more if it is really hot.
4. Epsom salt as a foliar feed. Everything else is in the fertilizers.
5. Not really, I am just trying to look after them as good as I can.
6. 10 liter buckets with holes drilled in the bottom.

For more details and pics check the link in my signature.
As above but you dont need a dear fertilizer..Just use some tomato fertilizer (good one) or chili focus as this cuts down on price and you get great peppers at a sensible price..good soil and good Drainage are allso required..have used vermiculite this year but cannot say they made a massive difference..just small quanitys of both mixed into the soil youll be fine..and of course chilis like a sandy based soil :)
If I had room for a dirt garden, I would be growing in the ground, but since I don't, I am stuck with container gardening....

1. soil used - 50% mix of standard non-fertilized potting soil and 50% 60% compost/40% cushion sand.
2. Fertilize every two weeks...first 4 months I was using Botanicare procucts...the grow, bloom, cal-mag, and liquid karma, then switched to vigaro 10-10-10 liquid.
3. Was watering when the plants were wilting...found out this was the wrong way to do it with the temperatures 90 or above since June...cause blossom end rot...plants were wilting because of the heat...now I only water when my moisture meter says the soil is dry...I use about 1/2 gallon per container.
4. Foliar feed with epsom salts about once a month and put about a tbsp in each container on top of the soil
5. Inspect the plants each day and adjust anything I am doing based on the plants needs.
6. 5 gallon cheap black nursery containers.
1. Promix mixed with manure + dolomitic lime. Even better with extra perlite and vermiculite, especially when plants are young
2. 20-20-20 or other well balanced water soluble fertilizer plus I have well water with lots of micronutrients
3. I water heavily whenever the plants dry out
4. I rarely use foliar sprays this year but have used 20-20-20 in my injector with a sprinkler. I use dolomitic lime for magnesium as well as for ph buffering
5. Watch for bugs and don't water with cold water. Also make sure not to splash fert water on the foliage
6. I use whatever large pots I can find cheaply but usually use black plastic type until I reach 5 gal, then they are hard to find and/or expensive
I use the lazy mans method.

1. What soil mixture do you use?
100% Organic Potting Soil

2. How do you account for calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus needs? Specifically, what do you add, and at what times during the season?
All-Purpose organic fertilizer (5-3-2 I think) with micronutrients. I also use Seaweed Magic when I fertilize. Once every 4-5 weeks.

3. What is your watering schedule and how much do you water at a given time?
I water when the plants wilt. Typically once every 4 days. I flood the containers when I water them.

4. Do you do foliar supplementation with epsom salts or some kind of bloom booster, or anything else?

5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?
I leave them be. They don't really need that much attention. I think some people go a bit overboard. Peppers don't require much.

6. Oh yeah, what size and style pots do you use?
5 gallon containers. The kind joint compound comes in. You can buy them at The Home Depot for about 5 bucks a piece, or you can have someone grab some from a supermarket, deli (used mayo and pickle buckets) or construction site (compound).
I'm pretty done with containers next year. In my opinion, it's not worth the effort when you have viable soil in raised beds. I did it for 4 years now. The cost is expensive and I'm seeing lower yields. It used to be the inverse.

Maybe my Pro-Mix was bad this year or soemthing, but it turned me off to doing this long-term.

I will continue to grow wild capsicums in pots so I can overwinter rare ones and perhaps a few rare domesticated ones. No more 30-50 pots though!

Top soil, spaghnum moss mix...add dolomite lime and some 10-10-10. Later on used epsom salt and tomato fertilizer diluted about 1/2- 1/3 of what it calls for. Water when they show signs of needing it, leaves drooping in the hot sun, and quit fussing so much. Harder to do than say I know but peppers are very tough plants that have survived for centuries without our worrying over them that's why we have the seeds now. Plants really do well with a little neglect. I have too many things going on to fuss too badly over the peppers. LOL. For containers we use 18 gallon Rubbermaid totes, flower pots, 5 gallon pails, whatever will hold a plant and be sure to have plenty of drainage in the bottom. Health problems make sure that the simplest way is best, you put them in the dirt, have a lot of faith and let them grow.

cmpman1974 said:
I'm pretty done with containers next year. In my opinion, it's not worth the effort when you have viable soil in raised beds. I did it for 4 years now. The cost is expensive and I'm seeing lower yields. It used to be the inverse.

Maybe my Pro-Mix was bad this year or soemthing, but it turned me off to doing this long-term.

I will continue to grow wild capsicums in pots so I can overwinter rare ones and perhaps a few rare domesticated ones. No more 30-50 pots though!


more of mine in beds next year iam sick of looking after 200+ pots :lol:
Thanks, people! This thread is really informative. I do not have the option of planting in the ground, so I will definitely have to grow in containers again next year. I will surely use some of the bits and pieces that I am learning here.
I am happy with my container growing..since I do not have much choice with very limited space. When I went on a vacation, and since I do not have reliable neighbors, I invested on drop system. This has been the best investment so far my plants are loving it.
Drip Irrigation...
1. What soil mixture do you use?
80% Foxfarm Happy Tree Frog/Ocean Floor, 20% Sand

2. How do you account for calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus needs? Specifically, what do you add, and at what times during the season?
I use Foxfarm Soil, it don't need no adustments....so far....

3. What is your watering schedule and how much do you water at a given time?
When ever it needs it. Stressed peppers are hotter ;)

4. Do you do foliar supplementation with epsom salts or some kind of bloom booster, or anything else?
Epsom salts work when needed. I also like Superthrive for growth.

5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?
I talk to them. Somethimes I give the plant a little pet with my hand and tell them how proud I am. I also thank the plant when ever I harvest and ask it to produce more for me.
6. Oh yeah, what size and style pots do you use?
Standard black plastic pots designed for plants. About 3-5 gallon per plant.
1. What soil mixture do you use?

aprox. 2/3 Pro-Mix BX, 1/3 generic potting soil with extra perlite, dash of Epsom salt and some dried coffee grounds for pH. (chiles like soil a bit acidic)

2. How do you account for calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus needs? Specifically, what do you add, and at what times during the season?

I add some TerraCycle fert to the soil mix per directions, and a shot of Rootblast at repotting time and when I feel like it.

3. What is your watering schedule and how much do you water at a given time?

I'm only indoors, so whenever the plants need it or the soil is dry an inch down. I put a drop of Superthrive and a crushed multi-vitamin w/ minerals into a gallon jug about every other watering. Otherwise just plain water.

4. Do you do foliar supplementation with epsom salts or some kind of bloom booster, or anything else?

Yes, epsom spray if they look like they need it.

5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?

I mostly let 'em be. I learned the hard way you can kill chile with kindness very easily. Don't over fert or over water!

I find drinking helps too. ;)

6. Oh yeah, what size and style pots do you use?

Since I'm only growing indoors I'm using 8x8" 1.62 gal fiber nursery pots. They are cheap, recyclable, and are quite durable. Nursery store said they are good even outdoors for up to 1-2 years unless used with large root things like shrubs or trees.

I'd like to try using compost and/or kelp/fish emulsion, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Next re-pot I likely will.

5. What other things do you do that might not be obvious, but you attribute this certain something to your overall success?
I talk to them. Somethimes I give the plant a little pet with my hand and tell them how proud I am. I also thank the plant when ever I harvest and ask it to produce more for me...

Yes i play them a little brahms and mozart to cheer them up from the rain :scared: