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scovilles Comprehensive Scoville List

chilehunter said:
great site, only thing I wish he'd add is a better search engine, I know that might be alot of work but would be really helpful to other chileheads trying to figure out what they're growing. as we all know this is so true, not knowing what we're growing (sometimes) & you dont know the name of it because you're "searching" - if you knew the name then you really dont need to search ;)

I also love the chilehunter site and would love to see a search engine that would give results that come close to the spelling that is searched for instead of bringing up a blank page. Esp. since many of the seeds that I get in trades are spelled/labled close but not right. Still it is a great site.
Ya, Dave and Hippy are right..it's all subjective and arbittrary, IMO.

Hottest 'feel' I've had was prolly the Bih/Bhut Jolokia in a pure WTF rating, but the scorpion has a diff yet crazy burn taht rly hurts..then again those dam habs I have took the stuffing outa me worse than any naga I've had. So...who knows.

For this discussion, shoudl separate chilis from sauces..as sauce can go all the way to 15M if someone wanted to..isn't a fair fight. Me, I find the uniqueness of each pod and natural sauce has it's own challanges. Even if I've had that kind b4.

Maybe was different soil, different heat, light, ferts, and ad naseum. Will all change it, it's a living thing, these chilis we love.

I'd like to see the 7pot tested though....I havent had yet, but based on my experience eating the scorp that it's prolly related to..prolly a scorcher.

The scorpion did hurt, but wsa sweet and tasty too. Big burrrnnnnn.

Only time i wasnt sure i'd make it was eating those habs tho..evil!
I know they cant be as hot as nagas, but you wouldnt know it by eating one. ;)

I have witnesses who about hit bathroom over a sml sliver of one.
QuadShotz said:
Ya, Dave and Hippy are right..it's all subjective and arbittrary, IMO.

Hottest 'feel' I've had was prolly the Bih/Bhut Jolokia in a pure WTF rating, but the scorpion has a diff yet crazy burn taht rly hurts..then again those dam habs I have took the stuffing outa me worse than any naga I've had. So...who knows.

For this discussion, shoudl separate chilis from sauces..as sauce can go all the way to 15M if someone wanted to..isn't a fair fight. Me, I find the uniqueness of each pod and natural sauce has it's own challanges. Even if I've had that kind b4.

Maybe was different soil, different heat, light, ferts, and ad naseum. Will all change it, it's a living thing, these chilis we love.

I'd like to see the 7pot tested though....I havent had yet, but based on my experience eating the scorp that it's prolly related to..prolly a scorcher.

The scorpion did hurt, but wsa sweet and tasty too. Big burrrnnnnn.

Only time i wasnt sure i'd make it was eating those habs tho..evil!
I know they cant be as hot as nagas, but you wouldnt know it by eating one. ;)

I have witnesses who about hit bathroom over a sml sliver of one.

What kind of habs were those, QS? I'm also curious about the Bih vs Bhut statement. Are these 2 names for the same thing - like the Seven Pot vs Seven Pod? Or are they two variations of the same pepper?
PrairieChilihead said:
What kind of habs were those, QS? I'm also curious about the Bih vs Bhut statement. Are these 2 names for the same thing - like the Seven Pot vs Seven Pod? Or are they two variations of the same pepper?

That would be my infamous "Funky Habs".

These: http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=7047

I also have a two-part video of my attempt to eat 1/2 of one..that rly hurt...:shocked:
Here's the YT playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMONPKwX3lg&feature=PlayList&p=A2799BAB89BFE1CB&index=0&playnext=1

There's been lots of talk abotu bih vs bhut, I just know they are hot. ;)

vlkno said:
I also love the chilehunter site and would love to see a search engine that would give results that come close to the spelling that is searched for instead of bringing up a blank page. Esp. since many of the seeds that I get in trades are spelled/labled close but not right. Still it is a great site.

you like the site, thanks, I've put alot of work into it ;)
I agree with the name thing, you type in a name thats misspelled by a letter or two or just have the words flipped & the search comes up nothing, but other search engines would ask "do you mean this ?"

as for what I was talking about, it can be done it'd take some work but it can be done! check this search engine out - what ya looking for ? a 2"-3" orange pendant pod ? guess what you'll get some choices to help figure out what you're growing.


their search engine is the best IMO just wish they had more chiles listed, & being chileman (mark) has dealt with CCN for pictures & info I dont see why there'd be a problem getting help to set up a better search engine on his website.

granted chileman (mark) has more unknown chiles but those could be thrown into an unknown section & users would have to search through that theirself.
dreamboat said:
There is list here


but it does not include many of the varieties which are discussed here (Fatalii, 7-pod etc)


This list does something that I see so often and I find very confusing. It lists "Naga Jolokia" as the top and "Dorset Naga" as second. Bhut...Bih...Naga...what the heck is going on? And I've seen Naga Dorset and Naga Morich. Are these all the same pepper? I am so confused! :oops:

I would list the following as the top 5:

1) Bhut Jolokia
2) Naga Dorset
3) Trinidad Scorpion
4) Seven Pot
5) Red Savina Habanero

Does anyone think this is about right? Or horribly, horribly wrong? :lol:
My understanding is that Dorset Naga was developed from Naga Morich, and is probably close enough to the same thing to listed together.

not sure after that - maybe fatalii (though I have never tried one, it certainly gets rated as quite hot by those who have) or the Savina Hab which has some test results to back up its heat.

Based on my own personal experience this year eating them raw and within a few hours/days of each other I rank them in this order.
1) 7-Pot
2) Scorpion
3) Naga Morich
4) Dorset Naga
5) Fatalii
6) Red Savina
7) Chocolate Hab

I have not yet tried a Bhut so I cannot rank it. I am sure it is near the top though from what I have heard.
I'd personally say the 7 Pod is top dog followed by the Bhut/Bih Jolokia. Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion, Fatalli, Chocolate Habanero are next. I think the test of the 7's is going to be off the scale as how few I can use. I think the 7 Pod may be the ultimate pepper on the Scoville list.
I've tried all 5 of the peppers I named and find all of them to be: :mouthonfire: even the Savina. I have enormous respect for all of them. As for the Seven Pot, Scorpion, Naga and Bhut I just don't have that sensitive a palate that I could really tell the difference between, say, 850,000 Scoville units and 1,000,000 Scoville units. They are freaking hot...that's all I know. The savina is hot, but pretty well anyone would know that it's a different level. Can you all really tell the difference...not in taste but heat at that excrutiating level?
I could tell the difference in the way each burned different parts of my mouth, for how long, initial burn, and I guess intensity. I know it is subjective and each pepper could in theory affect people differently, but that is why it is just my opinion albeit a fairly informed one.
JayT said:
I could tell the difference in the way each burned different parts of my mouth, for how long, initial burn, and I guess intensity. I know it is subjective and each pepper could in theory affect people differently, but that is why it is just my opinion albeit a fairly informed one.

Hey! That's a very good point that I hadn't considered. Sure...some are instant pain others take a while to get the pain going. Plus, like you said Jay, different areas of the anatomy - tongue, throat, roof...etc. No question someone with your experience (and so many of the members) could tell what pepper you are consuming even blind-folded...even with the super-hots. I am certainly not that gifted. I pretty much like all peppers and am sometimes in the mood for just heat - plain and simple and any one of the superhots will fill the bill interchangeably. Other times I want something specific and go for an orange hab, or a hot paper lantern or a cayenne.

I'm finding that I'm really learning alot about peppers from this forum. And there's so much more to learn. :)

cmpman1974 said:
All I know is the Douglah took me on a trip to hell and back. Geeez..

Is a Douglah a type of habanero, Chris? I've never seen one of those. Sounds good.
That's the great part of this hobby/lifestyle, there is always something new to experience and learn. I know that someday down the road there will be an updated Scoville list like this thread asked for, but for now we are the best judges without testing. I'm sure if you took a poll of everyone here that has eaten all these superhots raw the results would be similar. I was very thorough in my tastings as it was my first time with mostly all of the peppers I tried this year. Hell, before this summer I had never eaten any peppers hotter than a habanero. With the help of AJ and PepperRidgeFarm I was able to experience nearly all that I had not before. It was a heck of a lot of fun and I took it seriously. Now I know what peppers I want to grow next year and how I will use each one. As a foodie of sorts I can think of what pepper will go well with which dish based on the flavors, heat, types of burn etc. I owe mostly all of that to all of the great people here, including you PrarieChilihead, for your generosity and wealth of information. Long live THP!
I think JayT has a pretty good scale there.

Remmeber, chiles off the same plant cna differ greatly, nto to mention diff seeds, conditions, etc.

Scorpion I think has a top heat, btu can't top the Dorset or Morich for duration. Bih/Bhut, is up with them too. All depends.

I found Bih had a super painful hit, like a scorp, btu not as tasty as a Morich. :D

The perceived "heat" is a relative thing, eh? Everyone has diff chemistry and brains.

Scorp did give a different feel than the Naga types, but IMO, it's mroe hab like in it's hit. Hits like a truck, but tapers quickly compared to a Bih.
cmpman1974 said:
All I know is the Douglah took me on a trip to hell and back. Geeez..


I agree with you there Chris. Aside from the Douglah, I found the Trinidad Scorpion-BT to be the hottest I've tried. Another one to blow away your tastebuds is the Cappuccino habanero which is quite intense.