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cloning Cloning cuttings...Cloning with water...

I have had limited success cloning cuttings in Root Riots (peat moss blocks). I have even done roses that way. Sometimes seeds take too long to get to maturity.

I wanted to clone with water spraying on the root system. I have seen turn-key systems for several hundred dollars. On my vacation time for the last 2 weeks had me tinkering. At home we had 4 dogs, but now only 3. Hence 4 dogs eat a lot of dog food. We have 2 11 gallon dog food containers. These containers have Gamma Lids. These lids seal tight and can be spun off. I cleaned out one of the dog containers, and started my project. I will post pics as I work on this.

mx5inpa said:
Are you making this to have clones to go into a hydro system?
I'm not sure at this point. I do have a hacked together ebb & flow system that has been tested but not used. Most of my stuff grows in Sunshine #4 potting soil. I haven't ventured down that road yet. The closest I've gotten was growing my Lucky Bamboo in water.
I really wanted to this last time I grew my lettuce.

Here is my setup I have indoors in my garage. It is fully insulated. It can be as low as 32 deg F outside and it will get as low as 65 deg F. When it is 115 deg F outside it will only get up to 85 deg F inside. That is with no heating or cooling inside.

I grow a lot of things. Aloes, Cacti, Bamboo, Herbs (no pot), Peppers, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Avocados, and Flowers.

I know we have good weather here in Southern California, but I want the strongest seedlings possible.
Here is one of my Blue Agave plants that I started from a rhizome.

This one started as one plant. Now there are 3. I need to split them.

This is just my indoor nursery to get my plants started. Have you grown anything hydroponically?
Thats a nice setup.
The reason I ask is because I have been through a lot of tinkering. I built a water cloner too. I ask if you are going to do hydro because when you clone with water the plants grow entirely different kind of roots. When you put those into dirt they have to grow dirt roots. You'll be looking at about a 2 week period of stalled growth where you have to keep the dirt really damp while you wait for the roots.
But if you're going to put those into hydro then after a couple weeks you will want them to stall some. :)
The best, cheapest, easiest way I have found to clone in all my years is a simple solo cup filled with my seed starting mix which also happens to be my grow mix which I wet down until its wet all the way through with a clone stuck right in the middle. The only thing I do is make sure there are a couple nodes buried. Within a week or two I can usually see roots in the holes at the bottom of the cup. No hormones, no nothing. If it starts getting dry and I dot see roots yet I wet it down again.
I have an aloe with two pups I need to separate also. And I have small lemon and key lime trees. I grow everything too. Overwintering pepper plants are taking up a lot of space this year though.

ps....I actually have about 4 clones of a red scotch bonnet that was laying n the garden uprooted in th sun for 3 days before I cut clones off it. All I used were solo cups and ProMix potting soil. They were very sad looking at first, but soon rooted and turned green again and started growing.

pps - I actually want to grow lettuce in aquaculture with fish. I figure I can feed the fish for free during the summer if I put a bug zapper over the tank.
Ok I will shut up now. haha
Actually a nice setup in glogs somewhere.
5 gallon bucket, net pots with foam inserts, micro sprinkler head, a few pieces of pvc pipe and a small immersion pump.
Made by Vegas_Chili, I believe.
Gotrox said:
Actually a nice setup in glogs somewhere.
5 gallon bucket, net pots with foam inserts, micro sprinkler head, a few pieces of pvc pipe and a small immersion pump.
Made by Vegas_Chili, I believe.
That is exactly what I'm doing. I'm using a 11 gallon square bucket.
mx5inpa said:
Thats a nice setup.
The reason I ask is because I have been through a lot of tinkering. I built a water cloner too. I ask if you are going to do hydro because when you clone with water the plants grow entirely different kind of roots. When you put those into dirt they have to grow dirt roots. You'll be looking at about a 2 week period of stalled growth where you have to keep the dirt really damp while you wait for the roots.
But if you're going to put those into hydro then after a couple weeks you will want them to stall some. :)
The best, cheapest, easiest way I have found to clone in all my years is a simple solo cup filled with my seed starting mix which also happens to be my grow mix which I wet down until its wet all the way through with a clone stuck right in the middle. The only thing I do is make sure there are a couple nodes buried. Within a week or two I can usually see roots in the holes at the bottom of the cup. No hormones, no nothing. If it starts getting dry and I dot see roots yet I wet it down again.
I have an aloe with two pups I need to separate also. And I have small lemon and key lime trees. I grow everything too. Overwintering pepper plants are taking up a lot of space this year though.
ps....I actually have about 4 clones of a red scotch bonnet that was laying n the garden uprooted in th sun for 3 days before I cut clones off it. All I used were solo cups and ProMix potting soil. They were very sad looking at first, but soon rooted and turned green again and started growing.
pps - I actually want to grow lettuce in aquaculture with fish. I figure I can feed the fish for free during the summer if I put a bug zapper over the tank.
Ok I will shut up now. haha
I have seen the difference in roots from water to soil. I have started cloning Sweet Basil in water. I was using Clonex gel and Root Riot peet blocks. RO water is just cheaper and easier. It took on average 2 more days than Clonex, but ended up with a healthy plant.

I just started back to gardening this last year. I was working in Aerospace during 9-11, and was pulling 80+ hours a week. Note enough time to garden and hang out with wife & kids.

Our family goes thru 2 to 5 Avocados a day. This last year I have started trees. These 2 I started from seed. I have larger ones purchased from a nursery. My grand father used to have an orchard of Avocados. I guess I have caught his bug. I want a bee hive out back for pollination, but the wife put here foot down there.

Here are some pics from my Aloes that just went outside. They are healthy & green.

I also grew this Prickly Pear cactus from a single pad. I want to make some hot jelly with Prickly Pear fruit (yummy), and hot peppers.

I have noticed the lag in growth from rooting in water then transplanting to soil. I don't mind it.

Sorry if there are any mistypes. I'm editing this from my iPhone. A very small screen to edit on.
The outdoor plants you see there only get RO water too. My wife calls it my special water. I need a bigger RO water system. I do have a 20 gallon water barrel I use as storage. I need more storage. The outdoor plants get 8-4-4 fertilizer and Cal-Mag once a week.
Very nice, I had success with mine and I'm sure you will too.

Yes like mx5inpa says, there's easier ways BUT like me I've tried different ways like water, soil and even paper towel and no success. After I did my bucket I had higher success rate.

My original plan was to grow my plants in a season and when the season is coming to an end just take clones from the plants I know that grew true or some that throw nice pods. That way I could ensure I get the same the season after.

Or just simply cut up a plant and build an army of my favorite Pepper. Many things you can do ;).

Good luck on your project, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Well it's almost 11pm here, time to call it a day.

I did get to test the system. It's 90% complete. I still need to add the air/bubbler line.

Good spray. Only the red nozzles work well. I need some more.

Here is me testing it in the tub.

Here you can see the power cord. The open hole will have the air/bubbler line with compression fitting like black power cord.

Here you can see the shape of the container.
It was purchased at Petco. It was used to store dog food.

Can't wait to start using this.
My wife just told me this morning our electricity bill for the whole year was $225.00

We have grid tie solar, and dang. We are starting on our 3rd year now. Our monthly bill used to be $300+ per month. Yes we have A/C, and electric heaters. Even with all my grow lights that ain't bad. My wife was worried about my grow lights adding to our bill. We owed about $200 the year before, this winter was a little colder.

I do also have a separate set of solar panels (2x 80 watt) panels tied to a charge controller. They charge 4 wheel chair size batteries. All my internet stuff runs off of this, and has for the last 2 years without any external power. I have a cable modem, Juniper SSG-5 router, and 2 Apple Wireless Extreme access points running off of this. It works great and takes a 50w continuous load off my power bill. I did the load calculations before I even started this.

I think my wife telling me how much the bill was is a green light for more grow lights...LOL

My current lighting load is 376 W with 2 T-5 fixtures. I use 7.28KW hours a day just for my grow lights. My seedling lights never go off. My mature plant grow lights are on 18 hours of the day.
I just stopped by and picked up some foam inserts from my local hydroponics store. I know everyone uses black, but I wanted to spice up my new toy with some bling. Besides that they were cheaper than the black inserts, at least per package.

I will have it up and running by the end of today...
Well my project is finished. Just need to let silicone putty (Sugru) dry. Then I can try it with some Sweet Basil cuttings.


I installed the air/bubbler line in a compression fitting. I then back filled it with Sugru putty. I don't want any exposed metal on the inside of this. Fertilizers do funny things to raw metal.

Here both power cord & air/bubbler line are installed.

I know it's a tight fit. Just trying to have everything come in from one side.
Just finished it 100%.

I put in one tomato plant cutting, 1 mint plant cutting, and 3 Sweet Basil cutting.

I added 4 teaspoons of Cal-Mag with 1% Nitrogen to 4 gallons of RO water.

I setup a small 2 foot Jump Start T-5 HO light to get some temp lighting. I have this is my wife's kitchen. Will see how long this will last.

Best of all no leaks.
Someone please let me know if I'm posting to many pics. I love to read post with pics. It help convey the message.
There will never be enough pepper porn!  :P
@McGuiver We all know where your nickname comes from now xD That's fine with me for the pictures as well  :drooling:
I love anything grown with hydroponics systems, really! 
May I ask if there's really a need to have this much deep water for roots to grow if you have enough bubbles?! (other than the practical aspect of it)
Keep us updated, your system looks great!
I just wanted some water to use in a week or so for my outdoor plants. It will not go to waste. My Avocado trees or Roses will love it.

Richard Dean Anderson is one of my favorite TV actors. I liked MacGyver and Stargate SG-1 TV shows. I even have a P-90 I use for playing Airsoft.

That was my nickname since high school. I would fix just about anything. I still like to tinker with stuff.

I do like growing Roses too. These pics are from the same plant, just at different stages of flowering. Rose changes it's color. This is the hybrid plant I'm trying to clone.




First time I have ever seen this much color change, from peach, pink, and then almost white.